Big disappointment in Germany – The 5 Twitch streamers are not allowed to play in the 1st league, despite the miracle promotion

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There was now a bitter disappointment in the German e-sports of League of Legends. The team “No Need Orga” had Heartha BSC in the relegation on September 27th. spectacularly beaten and was promoted to the 1st league. However, the five players will not play first class in 2023 – the rules of Riot Games are not compatible with a career as a Twitch streamer. Riot Games did not agree to an exception.

This is the situation in the leagues:

  • The professional league in Europe is called “LEC”: It’s a franchise league from which you can neither be promoted nor relegated. If you want to get into the league, you have to buy a place from an existing team. The places go away for €30 million. Schalke sold their place in 2021.
  • Below the LEC, however, there are regional leagues, i.e. French, Spanish-speaking or German-speaking competitions: You can move up and down in the regional leagues in terms of sport. Teams have to go through a relegation if they want to move up from the 2nd league to the 1st league.
  • The “No Need Orga” team had spectacularly succeeded in winning the relegation against Hertha BSC and moving up to the 1st league. 100,000 spectators saw the decisive game – that was a huge number.
  • This play decided the series for promotion 2 months ago:

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    Why was the climb so special? No Need Orga are not a typical second division LoL team with a manager, coach and young talents who still want to prove something and dream of a great career at Fnatic or G2.

    No Need Orga consists of some of the biggest German twitch streamers on LoL, many of whom actually had their careers in e-sports behind them. They actually stopped playing competitive LoL in 2019 or 2020, they just wanted to play relaxed second division. The members are teams therefore also exceptionally old for professional players. Normally, in professional LoL, you are already considered an exceptional phenomenon at the age of 26:

  • Midlaner NoWay4U is one of the biggest German Twitch streamers ever and is 30 years old
  • ADC Broeki is 31 and made the “caretaker” for Eintracht Spandau
  • Tolkin (24) was now working for Freaks4U. After failing twice for the LEC, he saw no point in continuing to play Prime League, he explained.
  • NNO called itself a “retiree squad”.

    The “miracle run” of the streamers was an amazing story: In the final, the 2nd league had significantly more viewers than the 1st league:

    LoL: 100,000 see how 5 German Twitch streamers work on their e-sports miracle

    Twitch streamers can’t conform to the rules, they want exceptions

    What is the problem? You could see the conflict with Riot Games coming all the time: Riot Games had never provided in the rules for Twitch streamers to be promoted to the 1st league. Apparently full-time professionals were expected.

    Riot Games has some stipulations for teams wanting to play in League 1, and these rules clash with the 5 players’ careers as Twitch streamers:

  • Teams are not allowed to advertise brands that fall under certain criteria, are not allowed to become bookmakers for other video games or for consoles
  • But the main problem is that there are limitations related to streaming. Streamers are not allowed to be on the air as long as the “main broadcast” is running. Riot Games apparently wants to exclude competition. This means that the streamers could not go on the air for several days. The career would be severely limited.
  • Prior to this, NNO players had had to quit their jobs to conform to the rules, as they worked for companies directly affiliated with Riot Games.

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    This is the situation now: The NNO team has submitted suggestions on how to function as a Twitch streamer and play in the 1st league. Their reports show that an objection, an appeal, has been filed.

    But now there has been a decision by Riot Games to stick to the rules and not back down. This was communicated to the streamers via email, as shown in Twitch streams from 11/10. explained.

    NNO’s ADC Broeki said on a stream: All proposed changes were rejected by Riot. You will therefore not play in Division 1.

    Midlaner NoWay, one of the largest German streamers in Germany, also said: At least in the current squad, you will not play in Division 1.

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    How are the streamers reacting? The streamers themselves react relatively easily because it was their decision to a certain extent not to follow the rules. In addition, Broeki had already tipped that the ADCs of the 1st league would give him a kick in the butt. The veterans believed that you simply wouldn’t be able to keep up in the 1st division without a lot of training.

  • Top laner Tolkin writes: Too bad we won’t be playing 1st Div. But it’s been a fantastic year with you guys.
  • NoWay says: He can understand all this. It’s sad news, but now it’s time to look for solutions.
  • Broeki says: Riot’s decision is absolutely fine. But she comes extremely late and is now putting the team under pressure.
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    What’s next? NNO says they are looking for “new solutions” – it seems as if they want to quickly put together a new team of “non-streamers” that can play in the Prime League under the name “No Need Orga”. . But it all seems so chaotic right now.

    Especially since the team was characterized by having no organization and just playing for fun.

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    How are the fans reacting? They are disappointed: Many on Twitter express their incomprehension. This is a huge setback for the German scene. Especially since the rules now also apply in the 2nd league and NNO obviously cannot continue the project.

    Many say on Twitter: They discovered the Prime League because of NNO – and without NNO there is now a lack of motivation to continue pursuing the German league.

    The situation is all the more bitter because NNO’s relegation opponent, Hertha BSC, has now also announced that it will withdraw from LoL.

    Looks like in 2023 the hope rests on HandofBlood and Eintracht Spandau. But the rise of NNO was such a nice story:

    LoL: Team NNO is 0-2 games and 3:11 kills behind in an important game, is stone dead – until a risky play changes everything
