Biden’s Voter Rights Emphasis – World News

President Joe Biden, in his speech in the city of Atlanta, emphasized voter rights and gave the message that he supported changes in Senate rules for this.

Biden has been criticized for not taking steps against the election laws passed in some Republican states, especially recently.

Laws passed in these states restrict voting rights, according to Democrats.

“Are we going to choose democracy versus autocracy, justice versus injustice, light versus shadow? I know where I stand. I will not surrender. I will not be afraid. “I will protect your voting rights and democracy against all internal and external enemies,” he said.

Biden’s call to Congress

Saying that the Republican Party and former President Donald Trump are working to make it harder to vote, Biden said, “It’s not about who to vote anymore, it’s about making it harder to vote. What the former president and his allies are trying to do is to deprive those who don’t vote for them of their right to vote. Actually, it’s that simple,” he said.

Biden: “Today we are addressing Congress, pass the voting rights law immediately, history will judge you by this. This will prevent voters from being under pressure,” he said.

“The voting rights law will prevent damage to the elections, protect the voters, save the authorities from pressure and interference, purify politics from black money, and create fair zone maps,” Biden said.

‘I support the rule change’

Biden said he supports whatever rule changes are needed to pass the voting rights law. Biden said there should be a way to pass the voting rights law, including changing the filibuster rule if needed.

Biden noted that the Republicans in the Senate used the lectern occupation method not to unite the Senate, but rather to divide it, and they turned it into a weapon.

Biden was accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris and Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock on his Atlanta visit.

Some groups boycott Biden’s speech

Some voting rights groups boycotted Biden’s speech.

Among those who did not attend Biden’s speech is Stacey Abrams. Abrams is the Democratic Party candidate for Georgia state governor and a person who works hard for voter rights.

These groups want Biden to take more active action to pass the relevant bill in the Senate.

What is lectern occupation?

In order to pass the bill, the Democrats are planning to overcome the practice, which is described as “floor occupation” (filibuster). For this, 50 Democratic senators in the 100-member Senate must vote in this direction.

According to the rule of the lectern occupation, a bill cannot pass the 100-member Senate without the approval of 60 senators, and the senators can speak at the rostrum for as long and as they wish, until this percentage of votes is reached.

However, there is no complete consensus on this issue within the Democratic Party. Some senators are against exceeding the application.

It is a matter of curiosity what kind of unity Biden will achieve within the party.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans for a January 17th Senate vote on voting rights.

Midterm elections will be held in the United States in November 2022.

In these elections, the entire House of Representatives and part of the Senate will be elected.

It is stated that changes to electoral laws in states with some Republican administrations target the black population.

A significant portion of the black population in the country supports Democrats. For this reason, pressure is increasing especially for Biden to take steps regarding voter rights.

