Biden’s Gaza truce plan received the support of the UN Security Council | Foreign countries

Bidens Gaza truce plan received the support of the UN

In a statement, Hamas welcomed the Security Council’s decision and said it was ready to cooperate with mediators to implement the plan.

10.6. 23:22•Updated 10.6. 23:59

The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution supporting the US president Joe Biden presented the Gaza ceasefire plan.

The resolution proposed by the United States was approved by a vote of 14-0. Other Security Council member countries supported the proposal, and Russia abstained from voting.

The resolution calls on the parties to the Gaza war to fulfill the ceasefire plan fully, without delay and unconditionally.

The first phase of the plan concerns the exchange of hostages and Palestinian prisoners taken by Hamas and a short-term ceasefire. The second phase includes “a permanent cessation of hostilities between the parties” and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, according to the draft text of the resolution.

The third phase focuses on the region’s long-term future prospects and Gaza’s reconstruction plans.

In a statement, Hamas, which governs Gaza, welcomed the Security Council’s decision and said it was ready to cooperate with mediators to implement the plan.

Sources: AFP, Reuters

The news is updated.
