Biden: Ukrainian President Zelenskyi “did not want to hear” our warnings about Russia

Biden Ukrainian President Zelenskyi did not want to hear our

According to Biden, a lot of intelligence was available about the Russian-prepared attack. In February, before the start of the war of aggression, the United States, among other things, called on its citizens to leave Ukraine immediately.

President of the United States Joe Biden According to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi “did not want to hear” U.S. warnings of an invasion of Russia before the war of aggression began.

The U.S. warnings even provoked disbelief and criticism. Some U.S. allies in the United States were also wary of warnings, the AP news agency recalls.

Biden said he was aware that many suspected he was exaggerating U.S. information about Russia’s plans to attack. However, there was a lot of information available about it, Biden said.

– Putin was crossing the border. There was no doubt about that. Zelenskyi did not want to hear this, as did many others, Biden told the press yesterday.

Numerous warnings from the beginning of the year

In addition to the United States, for example, the Secretary General of the Military Alliance NATO Jens Stoltenberg warned around mid-February that Russia would continue to concentrate troops on Ukraine’s borders. At the same time, Russia assured that it would move its troops away from the feel of the Ukrainian border.
