Biden-Trump duel followed closely by the world: The ‘you had a relationship or I didn’t’ debate that left its mark on the live broadcast

Biden Trump duel followed closely by the world The you had

The USA is preparing for the presidential race that will take place on November 5, 2024. Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who last faced each other for the 2020 Presidential Election on October 22, 2020, faced off for the first time in the 2024 Presidential Election.


What happened in the historic Biden-Trump confrontation that took place in CNN’s studio in central Atlanta? Highlights from the statements of US President Joe Biden and his rival, former US President Donald Trump…

The duel began with a question about rising inflation and rising prices in the US. Biden responded to the question first:

“When I became president, the economy that Mr. Trump left me was in a state of disaster. The unemployment rate had risen to 15 percent, we created more than 40 thousand jobs.”

Trump said, “We had the best economy in the history of our country, everyone was impressed with us. Many people appreciated us.” He made a statement.

Trump: We kept the US economy strong with tax amnesty. When I handed it over to him, there was no inflation, it increased during his term. As for Afghanistan, I was going to get out of there with honour. Too many people died under Biden. The USA is not respected, under the Biden administration, the USA has become a 3rd World country and has caused great damage to the country.



Trump: The Supreme Court rejected this, and I agree. The row v wade decision was made and everyone wanted the same thing. I also appointed 3 judges to the Supreme Court. States decide on their own, I believe in exceptions. These radicals want to take the life of a child at the 8th or 9th month, we gave this decision back to the states.

Biden: It was a terrible thing you did. The idea that they are against it is ridiculous, this guy argues that states make their own decisions. But there is a 6 week limit with states, many women don’t even know they are pregnant at 6 weeks. I support Row v Wade, it’s between the woman and the state and the woman and the doctor. The politicians are the ones who ultimately make decisions about women.

Trump: Many young women were murdered. This happened because he opened our border and let the murderers into our country. They want to take the baby in the 9th month

Biden: Row v wade does not support this, it is a lie. Only if the woman’s life is in danger does this decision come to pass. For 51 years this law was right, the lawyers defended it. This man then withdrew this decision.



Biden: When we look at the number of police at the border, no one can cross the border right now. When he was president, he wanted to separate babies and families, but I didn’t do that. I changed the law, now 40 percent of those who cross the border enter legally. I will provide it with the border security police

Trump: We had the most secure borders in our country, he just had to protect it. He opened our borders to terrorists, murderers, and mentally ill people. We had the most secure borders in our history at the end of my presidency, now we have the worst borders.

Biden: The only terrorist to cross the border was during his rule. He killed 3 soldiers belonging to Al Qaeda.

Trump: Every state became a border, implementing very crazy policies. Unprecedented crimes are being committed. We are an uncivilized country anymore, that’s why. Our veterans live on the streets, and they live in luxury hotels.

Biden: I’m the president who did the most for veterans, that’s a lie.


Trump: If Putin had a respected leader, Russia would never have invaded Ukraine. Afghanistan was such a disgrace, Putin watched it and said, we better invade. I talked to him, this is his dream.

Similarly, Israel would not invade. Iran was afraid of me, there was no conflict in that region during my administration.

Biden: I’ve never heard more lies in my life. The Iranians caused brain damage to our soldiers during their rule.

We evacuated more than 100,000 Americans from Afghanistan.

This man gave courage to Putin, do what you want. He said we will take it in 25 days. Putin wanted to capture Kiev but he could not do it. He lost thousands of soldiers.

Trump: Putin’s terms are unacceptable, this was a war that should not have started. If we had a good leader, it would not have started. When Zelensky comes to this country, he comes back with $6 billion. I will solve this war, the war between Putin and Zelensky before I am elected.

Biden: Putin is a war criminal, he killed thousands of people. If Putin takes Ukraine, he will not stop, he wants to bring the Soviet Empire. We do not give money to Ukraine, we give weapons.



Biden: Netanyahu and the UN approved the plan I presented. The only thing that Israel rejects is its use of 2 thousand pound bombs, we do not give them to Israel anymore. We will stop Hamas, we have weakened Hamas considerably.

Trump: Going back to Ukraine, European countries spent so little money from us, why did we spend hundreds of thousands of billions of dollars more? They should have given more money, they are getting more influence, there is an ocean between us.

If I take office, there will be great change in Israel.

Biden: I have never heard of such stupidity, this man wants to leave NATO. What will happen if a major war breaks out in Europe? He has no idea what he’s talking about. No war within Europe was confined to Europe.


Trump: On January 6, we had a very good border, no one was entering our country, we were energy independent. On January 6, we were respected by the world. The point reached regarding the prestige of the USA with this man is terrible. They respected us and now they laugh.

(Regarding those gathered in Congress) I said gather peacefully and patriotically. I said I take full responsibility for January 6th.

Biden: He encouraged these people to occupy Congress. I sat in the Oval Office for hours. He told them he would grant them amnesty, they were tried and convicted. Trump wants the country to bleed again.

Trump: Some of them were such innocent people that you destroyed many people’s lives.

Question for Trump: You said that after being found guilty, I now have the right to go after every political opponent. Could you clarify this?

Trump: I said my answer is to be successful. His child is also very guilty, but could not be convicted due to the statute of limitations. Joe Biden may also be convicted after his term. I didn’t do anything wrong, the system was rigged.

Biden: You are an immoral person. There’s an accusation for harassing a woman, what are you talking about? You had sexual intercourse with an adult film actress.

Trump: I did not have sex with an adult film actress, I will appeal this case and win. There was a terrible Democrat judge. My votes and donations increased during the trial.


Trump: Clean water, clean air. We had the best climate environmental numbers in 4 years.

Biden: I wonder where you heard what you said. I signed the most comprehensive climate change legislation. What does cleanest water mean? He did nothing for the climate, he left the Paris Agreement, and I immediately went back.

Trump: It cost billions of dollars, China and India were ripping us off, that’s why I left the agreement. No one was spending that much more than us.


Biden: First of all, I was the youngest person in politics for half of my career. I was the second youngest person ever elected to the Senate in the United States.

I’m making sure billions of dollars are invested to fix the destruction he left behind. I don’t understand this talk about us being this failed country. I’ve never seen talk like this. We’re the most powerful country in the world, everyone is counting on us.

Trump: I took two tests, both of which were about my mental health, and he didn’t take either test, only one. Biden wouldn’t be able to answer even 5 questions if he took the mental test. I’m in great shape, I have two golf championships. I challenged him to a golf match, he can’t even hit the ball a few meters.

Biden: I would like to take a driving test with Trump.

Question to Trump: Will you accept the election results?

Trump: If it was a fair and free election, yes. But the fraud in the election was terrible. I wasn’t going to run again, but after seeing the bad job he did, I had to run again.

Biden: We will see your votes after the election, you constantly object. No court in the US has said your allegations are true. There is no evidence that their votes were stolen or anything.

