Biden survived the expected TV interview somehow with his skin intact – is that enough to save the president? | Foreign countries

Biden survived the expected TV interview somehow with his skin

WASHINGTON ABC News’ twenty-minute long interview was not a standard event in American politics.

If it went badly, it was believed that it could definitively end Joe Biden’s hopes of another term in the White House.

After last week’s disastrous televised debate, the sitting president had to prove to a skeptical nation that he is not an incurably debilitated pimp.

In practice, he had to prove that he can answer questions in an understandable way without the help of a teleprompter.

He had to show that he can form comprehensible sentences and complete them without the constant interruption of thoughts.

Did he succeed in that?

The answer is yes. The bar wasn’t high, but he crossed it.

His nature was considerably more energetic and tougher than last week’s argument. His voice was still hoarse, but not as weak.

His articulation was sharper.

For the most part, his sentences were understandable, and there didn’t seem to be any interruptions in thought.

Biden admitted in the interview that the argument went under the bench, but he refused to admit that his mental and physical abilities had weakened.

– It was a single episode. Nothing indicates a serious illness. I just had a bad day, Biden said.

The news is updated.
