Biden spoke for the first time about the targets shot down: “They were probably related to scientific research”

Biden spoke for the first time about the targets shot

According to Biden, it is likely that they are not related to the intelligence activities of any country.

21:32•Updated 21:38

In the United States, the president Joe Biden has spoken publicly for the first time about the targets shot down by the US in recent weeks.

Biden said that he himself gave the order to shoot down all four targets. The first was a Chinese reconnaissance balloon, but the other three are not certain.

According to Biden, it is likely that they are not related to the intelligence activities of any country.

– They were probably related to scientific research and were owned by a private company, he said in the White House.

Biden also emphasized that the authorities are deliberately overcautious. According to him, the number of unknown objects in the US sky has not increased, but they are being searched for more diligently than before.

– We want to map more precisely what is moving in space above US airspace, Biden said.

According to Biden, the US does not need to apologize to China for shooting down its balloon.

However, Biden emphasized that the United States does not want a conflict with China. According to Biden, it is important to keep an open dialogue with China.

According to Biden, the United States is investigating the Chinese ball that was shot down, and thereby improving its own defense capabilities.

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