Biden signed, “Today is a pretty big day”! Approval to Finland and Sweden

Biden signed Today is a pretty big day Approval to

US President Joe Biden signed the documents confirming Finland and Sweden’s accession to NATO at the signing ceremony held at the White House. The USA became the 23rd allied country to approve the accession of Finland and Sweden.


US President Joe Biden signed documents approving Finland and Sweden’s requests to join NATO in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Speaking at the White House, Biden said: “Today is a pretty big day. Today, we take another important step towards inclusion of Sweden and Finland in NATO. Approving the US membership of Sweden and Finland in the strongest defense alliance in world history. “As the 23rd NATO ally, I am signing this accession document,” he said.
“Each of them exercises their sovereign right to make their own decisions about their own security and respond to the will of their citizens. They choose to join NATO by following democratic processes. It was a turning point,” Biden said.

Biden said that he met with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson just before the signing ceremony, saying, “They did their best and offered their congratulations for the tremendous progress so far.”


Biden also urged other NATO allies to complete this ratification process as quickly as possible. “We’re continuing. And I urge the remaining allies to complete their ratification process as quickly as possible.”


Emphasizing the United States’ commitment to NATO, Biden said, “The United States is committed to the NATO alliance. Together with our allies and partners, we will write the future we want to see.” “Sweden and Finland have strong democratic institutions, strong armies, strong and transparent economies. “We are confident that they will meet every single NATO requirement as a requirement, and together we will strengthen our alliance,” he said.


Reminding that all 30 allied countries came together for Finland and Sweden, which want to join NATO, at the NATO Summit held in Madrid, the capital of Spain, last June, Biden said, “This was a sign of allied unity and determination. Putin believed that he could separate us and weaken our determination. “Instead, he gets exactly what he doesn’t want. He’s met with Finland and Sweden joining NATO.”

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Biden said that Finland and Sweden made a “holy commitment” when they wanted to join NATO. “An attack on one is an attack on everyone. We will defend every inch of NATO and we will never fail.”

Biden said: “NATO has proven the existence of an indispensable alliance that commits to Europe in total freedom and peace. Today, we see very clearly that it remains an indispensable alliance for the world. And our alliance for the world of tomorrow is closer and more united than ever before. “We will be stronger than ever when the number of allies with Finland and Sweden reaches 32,” he said.


With US President Biden signing the accession document today, it has become the 23rd ally to ratify the accession of both countries to NATO. Last week, Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership was approved by both Democratic and Republican senators in the US Senate with a 95-to-1 majority.


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Finnish President Niinistö, Swedish Prime Minister Andersson and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg held a four-way summit on 28 June before the NATO Heads of State and Government Meeting held in Madrid, Spain, on 29-30 June. Turkey, which is against the NATO membership of both countries due to Finland and Sweden’s support for terrorist organizations, signed a joint memorandum stating that Sweden and Finland gave the green light to NATO membership after the four-way summit.
