Biden replaced against Trump? This “short list” circulating in the American press – L’Express

Biden replaced against Trump This short list circulating in the

Clash of the Titans ? Joe Biden and Donald Trump, neck and neck in the polls, will face off on Thursday, June 27, during the first debate in the race for the White House on the American channel CNN. Never before have Americans had to decide between candidates as old as the Democratic president, 81 years old, and his Republican predecessor, 78 years old. But voters are more worried about the faculties of the current president, who has undeniably lost his physical presence and oratory skills. However, the question of his abilities continues to pollute the Democratic campaign.

Latest hiccup: Former President Barack Obama was seen grabbing Joe Biden’s hand and leading him off stage at a major Hollywood fundraiser last weekend, after the president hesitated during several moments. Hence the burning question: what if he was forced to be replaced?

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For several days, rumors have been buzzing in the corridors of a possible last minute change of the Democratic candidate. At least this is the theory mentioned by the Boston Herald : “A number of Democratic consultants are speculating that senior party officials may very quietly seek to remove Biden from the ticket before the convention.” Objective: find a dynamic leader. The conservative-leaning newspaper specifies that the president could be replaced especially if he makes “a major blunder or completely collapses during the debate”.

Kamala Harris, the best placed

Among those best placed to take up the torch, his vice-president, Kamala Harris. “The first woman and woman of color to become vice president, former attorney general of California and US senator, she emerged from a list of serious contenders for this position at the White House”, underlines the Daily Beast, American news site. Problem: she is the most unpopular vice-president in thirty years in the United States and she is having difficulty emerging from the shadow of Joe Biden.

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Hillary Clinton’s name is also circulating in the Democratic camp. “Clinton is not young but could be a compromise choice to save the day and win a rematch against Trump in November,” continues the Boston HeraldHowever, his age – 76 – makes his candidacy unlikely.

“Make courageous choices”

For the New York Times, one thing is certain: withdrawing from the presidential race is the “best thing Biden can do”. American columnist Bret Stephens draws a gloomy assessment of his mandate, while describing the president as “sleepwalking” in the face of a “criminal adversary”. Thus, the daily estimates that a replacement would increase the chances of a victory for the Democratic clan: “He can always choose not to run, to cede the field to a Democrat capable of winning – by calling Josh Shapiro (governor of Pennsylvania) or Gretchen Whitmer (Governor of Michigan) – and to do the difficult and courageous things it will take to ensure security and peace in the free world.”

It is worth noting that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is in her second term. Considered as vice president when Biden ran and won in 2020, she has shone during the Covid-19 crisis.

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Among the other names on the list of potential replacements: Transport Minister Pete Buttigieg, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and California Governor Gavin Newsom. This 56-year-old man is suspected by the media of preparing the 2028 presidential campaign. Furthermore, he has been widely considered to be leading a “shadow campaign” this time, in case the Democratic nomination fails. “He has the experience, as well as the looks and mannerisms, to quickly make his point on the national stage,” touts the Daily Beast.

“A bet”

While the American media guesses at potential replacements, candidate Joe Biden retains an ally: Professor Allan Lichtman, inventor of a predictive model capable of determining the winner of the American presidential election. He has predicted 9 of the last 10 elections. And for that of November 4? “At this stage of the campaign, the current tenant of the White House still has every chance of winning,” he explained to the British daily The Guardian, taken back by International mailAlso tipped, Maryland Governor Wes Moore responded: “I think President Biden is the best candidate for president and that’s why I’m supporting him.”

“Would a younger, more vigorous but less tested candidate have better chances? It’s a gamble,” concludes the British daily The Independent.
