Biden hurts with Saudi Arabia – visit to country described by president as rejection state

Biden hurts with Saudi Arabia visit to country described

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and rising oil prices are forcing President Biden to visit an oil-producing country that is trampling on human rights.

President of the United States Joe Biden is expected to visit Saudi Arabia next month. This would be a complete reversal of Biden’s attitude towards an allied country whose human rights he had harshly criticized just a few years ago.

– We’ll put them on [Saudi-Arabian] to pay the price and we will make it a rejection state, which in fact it already is, declared Joe Biden in a Democratic presidential campaign TV debate in 2019 when he responded to an MSNBC reporter Andrea Mitchellin question.

The statement was harsh about Saudi Arabia, an ancient ally of the United States, but there was a serious reason for it.

Saudi Arabia had been assassinated by a journalist Jamal Khashoggin in October 2018 at its consulate in Istanbul. Khashoggi had sought refuge in the United States, where he wrote critical columns to the Washington Post about the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia Muhammad bin from Salman.

The White House suggests now that Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia is underway, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

A couple of weeks ago, the time for Biden’s trip was estimated to be the end of June.

A few days ago, official information was leaked to the U.S. media that the trip would take place sometime in July. At the same time, Biden would visit Israel to join the GCC CCC summit and meet with leaders of other oil-producing countries in the region. NBC j (switch to another service)and CNN.

Biden: The U.S. human rights line holds

As soon as he took office in 2021, Biden clarified his statement on Saudi Arabia. Biden said the United States blames all the people in that organization for the murder of Khashogg, but not the Crown Prince himself.

The United States wants a Saudi front against Russia

President Biden has two reasons to negotiate face-to-face with the Saudi leader: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the U.S. by-elections at the end of the year.

Sanctions against Russia began to push up fuel prices around the world and also boost U.S. inflation.

It would be important for the United States and the West that the Arab countries commit to a long-term increase in pumping volumes.

Additional oil production would be a significant and clear action against Russia.

The U.S. will hold by-elections in November, and the White House hopes fuel price spikes will level off before then.

In the United States, prices are already rising at a rate of more than 8%. Democrats, therefore, cannot afford to undermine voter confidence in the party and its ability to lead.

Commitment to sanctions against Russia is therefore not an easy solution for Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is fighting for regional dominance with Iran

Saudi Arabia is a skilled player against the United States, even though it is an ally.

For Saudi Arabia, Iran’s return to international cooperation would pose a serious regional threat. For the Saudis, the situation eased when Trump re-isolated Iran. Negotiations are still stuck.

If Iran escaped international isolation, it would be able to produce significant quantities of oil for the world market, offset price pressures and at the same time put pressure on Russia.

The deal could begin with an end to the war in Yemen

Saudi Arabia and its allies began bombing Yemen in 2015 and destroying Iranian-backed Huthik rebels there. The Yemeni war is about Iran’s attempt to strengthen its position on the Arabian Peninsula, as a neighbor of Saudi Arabia.

President Biden’s administration has made it clear that the crisis in Yemen, which has been going on for seven years now, should be resolved so that relations can warm up again.

The Biden regime proved its own desire for change and removed the Yemeni Hutist rebels from the terrorist list to which Trump had attached them.

Human rights organizations oppose Biden’s journey

The comments say that, in keeping with its tradition, the United States is once again prioritizing the availability of oil.

Employer of the late journalist Khashogg, Washington Post (switch to another service)writes in his editorial that Biden still has to go through human rights with the allied top leadership.

Perhaps these are the reasons that delay Biden’s travel arrangements.
