Biden and Trump agreed to the rules of the first election debate – no notes, no audience | News in brief

The biggest change from previous years is that the audience does not get to watch the debate in the studio. The microphones are muted for the duration of the conversation and only one person can speak at a time.

President of the United States and the Democratic candidate Joe Biden as well as the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will meet soon in the first election debate.

On Saturday, the parties announced that they would accept the rules of the election debate, CNN news.

There are two moderators in the studio, and the audience is not allowed to debate. The microphones are muted throughout the conversation and only one person can speak at a time.

No props or notes are allowed on stage, but the candidates are given a pen, a piece of paper and a bottle of water, CNN reported.

Both candidates appear on similar podiums, which are determined by tossing a coin.

Biden and Trump will face off in a 90-minute debate on June 27.
