Biblical first names: the most beautiful references for girls and boys

Biblical first names the most beautiful references for girls and

Timeless and full of meaning, biblical names from the Old or New Testament have become more and more trendy over the years. Here are the most beautiful biblical first names for girls and boys from the sacred texts.

Joseph, Pierre, Noah, Gabriel, Marie, Sarah… These names from the Old or New Testament come back in force in recent years. And for good reason: they appear in the sacred texts and therefore have meaning. Are you looking for a first name of biblical origin for your unborn child? Find all the meanings, the Bible characters who wore them as well as our selections for girls and boys.

The most beautiful biblical names for boys

If Emmanuel, Samuel, Jean, Pierre or Mathieu are among the sure values, the sacred texts also contain more original first names such as the first name Reuben, carried by the eldest son of Jacob. Zacharie, which means Yahweh remembered, was carried by the father of Saint John the Baptist. Other original name taken from the Old Testament, that of Philemon who was a Christian converted by the apostle Paul. The sacred texts are therefore a source of choice for choosing a first name, but be careful not to go too far off the beaten track. So, Urban, Tychican or Nehemiah remain rather rare.

What are the biblical names for a girl?

If Mary is unquestionably the best-known biblical first name, other female first names deserve to be known. Thus Chloé, which means greenery and was worn by a Christian who lived in Corinth, seduced many parents of all generations. Elisabeth is also very successful: she is the mother of John the Baptist in the Bible. You can also opt for the first name Esther, which refers to the story of Queen Esther who saved her people from destruction.

The Old and New Testaments also contain rarer first names such as the famous Dalila who deprived her husband Samson of his hair or Damaris who converted by listening to Paul in Athens. Here again, do not look for originality at all costs: we also find in the Bible of female first names like Dorcas or Zara…

trendy biblical names

Borrowing from history and having a strong spiritual connotation, Biblical baby names never go out of style, because they have gone through history without taking a wrinkle. Associated with Christianity and Judaism, they were carried in the sacred texts of these religions by characters who often had a strong aura and a rich experience. You can therefore bet on certain values ​​such as the first names of two of the archangels of the Bible, Gabriel and Raphael as well as classic and timeless biblical baby names Benjamin, Jérémie, Judith or even Suzanne which are still very trendy today! Among the fashionable biblical first names are also: Noa, Adam, Thomas, Ellie, Zac, Eden, Salomé and Yona.

What are the biblical Hebrew baby names?

Hebrew biblical first names are those from the Old Testament. For little boys, you can take inspiration from first names David, Noah, Avraham, Ruben, Gabriel, Raphael, but also Joseph, Ilan, Adam and Elie.

Most female Biblical first names of Hebrew origin also appear in the Old Testament. Some essential first names are worn, for example, by the matriarchs Sarah, Rahel, Rivka and Lea. You can also opt for more modern first names like Esther, Léa, Noémie, Gabriella, Myriam.
