The incident unfolded when Nelin was entering a penalty round at the same time as Jacuqelin was exiting.
They both collided and fell to the ground. Nelin was penalized with a minute added which saw him finish 41st after initially entering 37th.
– It’s Nelin’s fault because Jacquelin has progressed further in the competition, says SVT Sports expert Björn Ferry.
Jesper Nelin was more or less sad afterwards.
– You become a little less. I clearly see him coming and I am sure he will continue in the round. I feel like he’s going to continue and all of a sudden he pulls out in front of me, says Nelin and continues:
– I know he has priority, but I think it’s calm and I go in with him. Then he swerves and there is a collision. Sure, it’s my fault, but it’s not fun. The hook came off the gun and I lost the magazine.
Afterwards he apologized.
– I apologized and tried to explain to him that I thought he was going into the round because it really looked like that. You get tired of getting extras for this kind of crap.
Hear Jesper Nelin tell about the incident with Emilien Jacquelin. Photo: SVT
Jacquelin: “Is ok”
At least Jacquelin wasn’t particularly annoyed with the Swede.
– Sometimes we lose our skis a little and Nelin forgot to look a little to the left. He didn’t see me so we collided. But there is nothing more to say, that is what happens. Of course I was a little angry during the race but not now. It’s okay, says Jacquelin.