BFF Banking, BoD approves strategic plan to 2028 and target to 2026

BFF Banking BoD approves strategic plan to 2028 and target

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of BFF Banking has approved the five-year strategic plan to 2028: “Ever more a bank like no other” and the three-year financial targets.

Strategic goals for 2028
Develop our core business, in which we are the market leader: Factoring and Lending: continue to develop a leading position in the purchase of public credit in Europe in a growing and underpenetrated market, through: strong growth in the customer portfolio in markets already covered and in new geographies, also through the opening of a branch in France; the consolidation of our operational competitive advantage also through our new Factoring IT system and greater efficiency of the legal process relating to collections; Transaction Services: further strengthen the role of “Second Level Bank”1, while generating a constant revenue stream and ample availability of operational deposits for the Group: Payments: main independent intermediary for payments in Italy for banks and lenders Payment Services (PSP2), capitalizing on the transition to electronic payments;
Securities Services: the only Italian bank that provides the full range of personalized custodian banking and securities custody services to domestic banks and asset managers, in a secular growth market.

Invest further in our operational infrastructure to support growth opportunities while managing operational risks and to benefit from further efficiencies. Continue to offer our team opportunities for growth and development while maintaining a
strong alignment of incentives with our stakeholders. Further optimize funding and capital. To provide shareholders with market-leading capital and dividend returns, with capital in excess of the target 12% of CET1 distributed to shareholders. Maintain the Group’s low risk profile by efficiently managing past dues and calendar provisioning.
Further increase our positive social, environmental and stakeholder impact, together with net zero targets and a doubling of investments in social impact initiatives.

Goals for 2026
“By basing our 2028 strategy on developing our core businesses, in which we are market leaders, investing in our operational infrastructure, optimizing our funding structure and capital, maintaining our historical risk profile low, on the commitment to invest in our people and sustainability as a core asset”, BFF aims to achieve by 2026: Cost/Revenue ratio (%) best in class, below 40%; strong growth in Adjusted Net Income in the range of 255-265 million euros; Earnings Per Share of €1.37-1.43 (€1.34-1.39 fully diluted); Cumulative dividends (23-26): over 720 million, or about 40% of market capitalization; CET1 Ratio: 12% or higher; Return on Tangile Equity market leader above 50%.

Massimiliano Belingheri, CEOcommented: “Our strategic plan for 2028 is based on our strengths and an attractive market environment to continue delivering high returns to our shareholders, with adjusted net income growing more than 78% to 2026 and projected dividends of 40% of our current market capitalization. We aim to further strengthen our leadership in the specialty finance niches in Europeleveraging our position as the leading factoring operator for Public Administration and Healthcare suppliers and our unique role as a service bank for other banks and financial institutions in Italy. We are committed to achieving this goal by investing in our business and in our peopleoperating with honesty and transparency, maintaining leadership in innovation, client service and execution in our target markets, with a low risk profile and high operational efficiency, and aligning with the best corporate governance practices of the public companies. We are a highly sustainable companywith a unique ability to remunerate our shareholders, our people, our community”, concluded Belingheri.
