Beware, this viral beauty tip on TikTok does not work to get rid of blackheads

Beware this viral beauty tip on TikTok does not work

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    According to a titktoker, it is possible to make homemade patches to remove blackheads, based on egg white and toilet paper. An economical method certainly, but which on the one hand does not work, and on the other hand must lead you to be vigilant.

    Looking for a beauty tip? Tik Tok necessarily has the answer! At least, that’s what one would think to see the thousands of so-called clever videos to inflate your lips or reduce your dark circles. In a latest viral video from tiktokeur @creative_explained, blackheads are targeted, those unsightly pores that can appear especially on the nose that many of us have. The trick of the tiktokeur; specialist in natural solutions, is simple and relies on two everyday ingredients: egg white and toilet paper. It would simply involve beating an egg white and applying it with a brush to the surface of the nose and then sticking a piece of toilet paper to remove excess sebum and blackheads once the mixture and the paper are dry .

    A “fake” staged, for an expert

    Could the beauty gesture be as simple as that? Not for Rachael Robertson, a beauty enthusiast and founder of a cosmetics brand who specifically tested the technique for The Mirror. The result is not conclusive.

    “The technique itself might work for dirt and oil at the surface level, in the sebaceous filaments, which people often confuse with blackheads, but for actual blackheads, it just won’t do the trick. make, [car] Ils need proper extraction” she concludes at the end of her video. “For the expert, the video is quite simply a faked staging, as could already be the case for example with these”green masks” supposed to extract impurities by simple application.

    A risk of salmonella still possible

    The beauty expert goes beyond the simple demonstration, she also explains why the method has little chance of obtaining an effect:

    Egg white contains the enzyme lysozyme which could break down bacteria on the skin, but egg whites are mostly water, so the benefits are very limited compared to a product designed for this purpose. Due to the protein content, it might make your skin a little tighter, but that would only be temporary.”, she explains.

    Furthermore, as it concerns a food product, it adds that “even if the risk of salmonella is low”it is not non-existent.

    For the removal of blackheads present on the nose, the beauty expert recommends above all to stick to more classic methods, such as daily cleansing with a product that corresponds to your skin type, regular exfoliation and good hydration.
