Beware of! You may end up in intensive care while trying to cool down. “There are even patients we lose.”

Beware of You may end up in intensive care while

With increasing temperatures in recent years, the use of air conditioning has become widespread. Air conditioning is used in many places, from homes to workplaces, from public transportation to shopping malls. Sivas Numune Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Doctor Müslim Gül, who warns citizens to avoid health problems in air-conditioned environments, said: “The microbes that accumulate in the air conditioner, when inhaled with the operation of the air conditioner, cause many infections caused by viruses that are difficult to heal and especially reproduce in the cold, which we call legionnaires’ disease. “One should not stay in front of the air conditioner for too long and air-conditioned environments should be ventilated frequently,” he said.


Gül, who stated that as a result of the microbes spread by the air conditioner, there are groups of diseases that are severe enough to put the person in intensive care, said, “Using an air conditioner can cause upper respiratory tract and lung infections. When the microbes accumulated in the air conditioner are inhaled with the operation of the air conditioner, they cause many infections caused by viruses that are difficult to heal and reproduce especially in the cold, which we call legionnaires’ disease. These are groups of diseases that start with cough and fever and then turn into chest pain, lung infection and pneumonia. These are groups of diseases that are severe enough to put the person in intensive care, they should not be taken lightly.


These groups of diseases are diseases that are difficult to cure even with antibiotics. Sometimes we even lose patients in intensive care. In addition, since the air conditioner hits the face directly, the risk of facial paralysis is very high. For this reason, one should not stay in front of the air conditioner for too long and air-conditioned environments should be ventilated frequently. Because the best way to reduce the virus density is to open the window for a certain period of time and let virus-free air in.”



Gül, who stated that citizens can confuse these pains with heart diseases because air conditioning causes muscle and chest pain, said, “A person can also experience muscle spasms due to chest muscles getting cold when directly in front of air conditioning. Citizens often come to the emergency room thinking this is a heart attack. Especially back pain and coughing disease groups are usually the cause of air conditioning disease. Pains due to heart spasms occur when breathing. These pains are usually caused by lung and pleural membrane pain. Our pains usually manifest themselves with weakness, difficulty breathing and a feeling of heaviness in the chest when climbing stairs or hills. However, among the public, every chest and left arm pain is thought to be a heart pain disease. We should not confuse pains and diseases. Especially the elderly and children should definitely not stay in front of air conditioning for a long time.” (İHA)

