Beware of! ‘Unnecessary vitamin intake’ warning from the expert name!

Vitamin D is obtained from the ultraviolet rays in solar energy Gonen, “He is in the summer of June, July, August at 11.00-15.00 hours without any protection from the direct sunlight by using direct sunlight. In the United States, vitamin D supplements are done, especially in the evening. he said.

Prof. Dr. Gönen, if there is no deficiency in the analysis, vitamin B, vitamin D complexes with vitamin C is meaningless to indicate that, “Some vitamins may damage our kidneys. Kidney damage can lead to damage. The most innocent of the kidneys again a little too much. It would also be an unnecessary burden. ” he said.

Vitamin C in fruits, cereals and vegetables in vegetables such as vitamin B, spinach magnesium Noting that Gönen, the body in the intestines causing the defect of absorption with celiac stressed that there may be sensitivity to gluten.

Gönen, “Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are evident in the analysis. If there is a deficiency in the analysis, if our patient has complaints, it is useful to eliminate these deficiencies under the control of the doctor. “

Pointing out that some vitamins and minerals came up on social media in certain periods, Gönen said that the magnesium range should be in the body is 30-50 milliliters.

“There is also a magnesium in foods”

Prof. Dr. Gönen, in some periods of magnesium must be taken from the outside by transferring, “There is a large extent in the foods you receive. Sometimes problems in absorption and patients in our patients may have some spasms, contractions. Magnesium is needed when there is a lack of calcium. ” He gave his information.

Emphasizing the need to be reinforced under the supervision of the doctor after the analysis, Gönen said that the vitamins used individually do not benefit.

Prof. Dr. Gönen stated that magnesium varieties have no superiority to each other and said:

“Sleep order, muscle cramps with the laboratory in the laboratory, if the deficiency of magnesium is necessary, then it is necessary for magnesium supplements, but there is a series of reasons for sleep irregularity, muscle pain. The subject of regular exercise is very important in those who have a distorted glucose discipline in those who have a disintegration of carbohydrates, lipids and protein in the organism. He said.

