Beware of this scam on the holiday highway, many drivers are being ripped off

Beware of this scam on the holiday highway many drivers

Many holidaymakers are travelling by car this summer. But this long-awaited journey can sometimes turn into a nightmare. Indeed, a scam is increasingly rampant and many drivers have already fallen victim to it.

Thousands of families are hitting the road to their dream destinations this summer. But be careful, motorways are a hotbed for scams and fatigue, speed and inattention make drivers vulnerable. Recently, a new scam has emerged that is stealing money from many holidaymakers. Clever, vicious and fast, here’s how to spot it.

On the motorway, a malicious technique is in fact aimed at disturbing holidaymakers and it is proving particularly effective. While leaflets left on windscreens or the inevitable 50 euro note left on the ground have already lured many drivers, the latest one is still little known. We are talking here about the simulation of a fender bender. In fact, the crooks behind this trickery arrange to create a dull noise, in order to call out to a nearby driver, in other words, you.

The individual then comes up to you and shows you his broken rearview mirror, leading you to believe that you are the cause of this collision. That’s when you find yourself on a motorway service station, and faced with this sudden accusation, taken by surprise and under pressure, you agree to pay for the alleged damage immediately. Generally, the scammer shows you a rearview mirror on eBay, which he pays for directly online, at your expense. Of course, the money is actually paid to him…

To avoid falling into this trap, it is therefore essential to always remain calm and refuse to give in to immediate pressure. Never pay on the spot and systematically offer to fill out an amicable report. This allows the incident to be documented and discourages scammers. If in doubt about the veracity of the facts, it is strongly recommended to call the police, who are now aware of this type of fraud. The presence of law enforcement can then clarify the situation and deter scammers.
