Beware of the online comparators you use to assess the offers of gas or electricity suppliers! Some people lie by hiding the best formulas.

Beware of the online comparators you use to assess the

Beware of the online comparators you use to assess the offers of gas or electricity suppliers! Some people lie by hiding the best formulas.

If it has long been neglected, energy now represents a very important part in the French budget. Whether electricity, gas or fuel oil, prices have continued to increase in recent years for multiple reasons – more than 25 % for electricity in 2023 and numerous increases for gas – with increasingly heavier bills for consumers. And recent geopolitical turmoil could still vary the courses soon.

Since the opening of the energy market in 2007, consumers can choose between many gas and electricity suppliers. Companies that offer a multitude of formulas at very different prices, which does not simplify the choice. Also, to find their way around and help them save, consumers are turning more and more to online comparators.

These platforms make it possible to compare a multitude of offers in a few clicks, with a promise of simplicity and transparency. However, behind this facade of impartiality, gray areas remain: what about their objectivity?

In his latest newsletter published on February 25, the National energy mediatorindependent public authority, sounds the alarm about comparators deprived of online gas and electricity, by accusing them a “Lack of transparency”. While consumers expect an objective service that will offer them the best option among the sixties that exist on the market, they are actually faced with a “Disguised brokerage activity”.

Many comparators have indeed established commercial partnerships with suppliers. In exchange for remuneration in the form of a commission, they highlight certain offers, relegating others, potentially more advantageous, in the background. But, of course, they do not indicate it to users. Suffice to say that it somewhat distorts the impartiality of the results …

This is the case, for example, of the Selectra comparator, which received a fine of 400,000 euros to have “Maintained confusion with historic energy suppliers” And “Having presented offers in a deceptive manner, in particular by highlighting non -existent discounts”. Energy Expertise sites and my small bill were also pinned.

To remedy these abuses, the National Energy Mediator recommends the adoption of legislative provisions allowing a strengthening of consumer information, the creation of a label for comparators respecting a standard transparency, reinforced controls to ensure the veracity of disseminated information and a prohibition for comparators to combine their activity with that of energy supply.

Pending measures in this direction, it is essential to keep a critical eye when using comparators, by consulting several, checking the sources of information and being wary of too attractive offers. It is better to use the comparators like that of the national energy mediator or the UFC-Que Choosing which are really reliable.
