Beware of tanning products promoted by influencers!

Beware of tanning products promoted by influencers

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    in collaboration with

    Dr. Marie Jourdan (Dermatologist)

    Finally, tanning is not an outdated phenomenon. However, Doctor Marie Jourdan, dermatologist, is surprised that some illegal tanning products enjoy such visibility on social networks.

    This is the English newspaper BBC News who reports the facts. Several influencers have advertised on social media for melanotan-2 tanning products. These people, who give their opinion on certain products, can have an impact on their millions of subscribers, by encouraging them to consume them. Nevertheless, not all advice is good to follow, especially when the products can have serious health consequences.

    In the case of these bronzers, they are illegally marketed products based on a synthesized hormone: melanotan-2. They can be :

    • inhaled through the nasal passages;
    • injected subcutaneously.

    As Doctor Marie Jourdan explains, “these products are dangerous, not only because you are not sure if you are injecting melanotan, but also because you are unaware of the other substances ingested by your body, which can be very harmful”. No control is carried out on these products.

    These tanning products sold on the black market only received “no marketing authorization, because we absolutely do not know their medium and long-term effects”. The dermatologist points out that “melanotan-2 is a synthetic hormone, which mimics the natural hormone, Alpha MSH”. On the other hand, melanotan-2 is a molecule that is currently used in research, but only on laboratory mice.

    The latter has several functions, in particular in the regulation of the pigment of the skin, melanin. It also has an action on the level of cutaneous immunity. However, even if it is naturally present in our body, when this hormone is “in too large quantities, there is an explosion of melanin, causing a multiplication of moles as well as a change in the appearance of the skin”.

    Consequences for consumer health

    After testing these products for tanning, some influencers mentioned the arrival of health problems, such as the appearance of moles, skin redness, headaches or even throat pain.

    Indeed, these are effects that Doctor Jourdan knows well. Since a long time, “dermatologists are screaming danger over the harmful effects of UV cabins” and today, the consequences of these illegal products must also be brought to light. As she points out, “these products are bad“and toxic, especially in injectable form,”because the doses administered are much higher”.

    These tanning products based on melanotan-2 are not only poorly tolerated, but cause real health problems: “nausea, headaches, action on the cardiac system causing hypertension and above all, the risks of skin cancer are very present”, explains Doctor Jourdan. According to the skin specialist, some cases of priapism have also been reported. It is an erection disorder that manifests itself in a state of prolonged erection.

    Tanning without danger, is it possible?

    In the dermatologist’s eye, a tan is not a positive thing. It is a defense tool that the skin deploys to counter the dangers posed by UV rays..” In practice, tanning is a mechanism set up by skin pigment cells. The cells take on color and the skin thickens to form a “shield”. For Marie Jourdan, the “safe tanning does not exist”.

    On the other hand, it is understandable that everyone wants to look good. The dermatologist advises using tinted creams and self-tanners that are applied locally. She also recommends the use of capsules containing beta-carotenes or lycopenes. “These molecules will bring an orange complexion linked to carotene. This shade is not caused by melanin production”.

    She also recalls that the objective of these products is not to protect from the sun, but “these are rich antioxidants that catch UV oxidation along the way so it doesn’t over-strike the skin”.
