Beware of humidity with the Switch! Nintendo warns that the screen of its portable console is prone to condensation, droplets of water appearing during sudden changes in temperature, especially in winter.

Beware of humidity with the Switch Nintendo warns that the

Beware of humidity with the Switch! Nintendo warns that the screen of its portable console is prone to condensation, droplets of water appearing during sudden changes in temperature, especially in winter.

One of the main advantages of the Nintendo Switch is that it is a hybrid console, which can be used alternatively on a television in your living room or in standalone mode, like a classic portable console. But its portability can also present some risks. So, last week, Nintendo support in Japan posted a warning on Twitter to warn its community about the problem of condensation, which can damage the device – regardless of the Nintendo Switch model. As a reminder, these are water droplets that can form if the console is placed in a place where the temperature changes suddenly. They then infiltrate the device, which is obviously not good for the electronic circuits. A phenomenon which is not new in itself and which is not inherent to the Switch, but which should be remembered in the winter period.

Nintendo Switch: avoid playing in a cold and humid environment

The phenomenon of condensation can take place on the screen of the Nintendo Switch and therefore, and this is more problematic, infiltrate under the slab of the console. Even worse: moisture can penetrate directly inside the device, which can seriously damage the components. Suffice to say that, in both cases, the Switch may not like it… Indeed, the condensation can create a short circuit if the console is on, which then damages it instantly. It can also oxidize welds and cause weaknesses, causing more and more regular bugs until the device eventually fails.

Do not panic, the company gives some advice in the event of the appearance of traces of humidity. Thus, you must immediately turn off the Nintendo Switch by pressing the power button for more than three seconds and then selecting the correct option that appears on the screen – you must not simply put your console to sleep. Another method to turn it off: press the power button for more than twelve seconds. Then, place it in a warm place where the condensation can evaporate – no need to disassemble the console. The Japanese firm does not indicate how long it takes, but the longer the player waits, the more likely he is to avoid the breakdown. But the best advice is to use the device as little as possible in cold conditions.
