Between-two-rounds: what echoes of the foreign press?

Between two rounds what echoes of the foreign press

The French presidential election is followed closely by foreign press correspondents. All the lessons of the first round have been learned. ” If François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac were still alive, they would be amazed “, writes the Catalan newspaper La Vanguardia about the very low scores of the traditional parties. ” France, a crucible of populism “says for his part the Daily Telegraph.

How does the foreign press perceive the poster for the second round between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen? Which French specificities and which parallels with other situations in Europe?

To discuss it :

– Ana Navarro Pedro correspondent in Paris for the Portuguese weekly VISIO

– Anne-Elisabeth Moutet, columnist at Daily Telegraph

– Paolo Levi correspondent in Paris for the Italian press agency Ansa
