between sport and politics, a very delicate situation

between sport and politics a very delicate situation

Emmanuel Macron is going to Qatar this Wednesday, December 14, 2022 to attend the semi-final of the French team against Morocco at the World Cup. On site to support the Blues, the head of state could be brought back to much more political subjects.

Thing promised, thing due. Emmanuel Macron is going to Doha this Wednesday, December 14, 2022 to attend the semi-final of the French team against Morocco for the World Cup in Qatar. This move had been announced in November a few days before the official launch of the competition, but was conditional on the presence of the Blues at this stage of the World Cup. The Elysée Palace confirmed the arrival of the President of the Republic on Monday evening, two days after the victory of the French players against England. “It’s about supporting the Blues in what will be an important moment in French sport and Franco-Moroccan friendship. It’s important for the president to be there to support the players of the France team” , added a presidential adviser.

“Support the Blues” and nothing else?

Emmanuel Macron’s attraction to football is no secret, so when it comes time to support the semi-finalist national team in the biggest competition in the discipline, the head of state does not pray to attend the event. Especially since due to his very busy schedule, the President of the Republic had so far not had time to travel to the Blues, whether at Clairfontaine during the preparation of the France team or since the start of the competition. Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Qatar therefore has a single objective on which the Elysée insists: to support the French team. Does the President therefore wish to stay away from political issues and questions? In any case, this is what he implied in November when the announcement of his presence in the stands for the semi-finals caused controversy. The political leader then called for “not to politicize sport”.

Expected on site on Wednesday December 14, a few hours before the start of the match, the arrival of the French president could be brief, organized between a European summit and a council with, once again, the leaders of Europe. The program of the Head of State, which has not been communicated in detail, should therefore be essentially oriented towards football and only football. According to information from the team, Emmanuel Macron could be in the stands of Qatari stadiums again on Sunday, December 17 if the Blues qualify for the World Cup final. The newspaper does not specify, however, whether the head of state will make a new round trip or if he will remain on site during the three days between the two matches.

A visit to Qatar still political for Emmanuel Macron

If football is at the heart of Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Qatar, politics can also be very present. The criticisms of the consequences of the organization of the World Cup in Doha on the environment and the climate or the controversies on human rights linked to the deaths of thousands of workers during the construction of the stadiums have not escaped anyone, especially not to the French head of state who has nevertheless remained silent on the subject. Since the start of the competition other accusations have been made against the Qatari government, in particular on its policy of criminalizing homosexual relations. The wearing of the “One Love” armband by some players, quickly abandoned, particularly shook the first days of the World Cup.

Emmanuel Macron’s behavior and speeches on his subjects will be scrutinized. Some are wondering about possible gestures of support for these various causes and in response to the lambasted policies of Qatar, as they did during the visit of the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castera, to Doha for the quarterfinals of final. The French minister appeared without an armband, but with a rainbow-colored sweater, the flag of the LGBTQ+ community, and assured “to send a certain number of messages” while recalling that Qatar is “an important partner for France”. At the microphone of RMC and of BFM-TV Amélie Oudéa-Castera had spoken of a meeting with the representative of the International Labor Organization to discuss working conditions in Qatar, of a meeting with the president of the LGBT supporters club of the France team and of interviews with local authorities on the promotion of women’s sport. What will happen to any meetings and appointments with the Head of State? Will he be part of the political line mentioned by his minister, namely “accompanying Doha in the trajectory towards greater respect for human rights”?
