between Democrats and Republicans, the positions are still very far apart

between Democrats and Republicans the positions are still very far

It is a cold snap in the United States on the negotiations on the debt and the budget between Republicans and Democrats. They were even suspended for a while. The positions are still very far apart.

With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

The optimism of the past few days has given way to concern. While negotiators saw a possible deal before the end of the weeknegotiations over future US budget spending and whether to borrow to meet the country’s bills are tougher than expected.

The positions are too far apart, especially on the maximum level of federal spending in 2024. Negotiations were even suspended for a few hours before restarting.

There has to be movement from the White House and there is no movement yet. I really thought we were at the point where I could see a way, but we can’t spend more money next year. We need to spend less than the year before, it’s quite simple “, explained the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy.

Joe Biden back from the G7 on Sunday

The sticking point: the Republicans’ demand to cut federal spending, to bring it back to 2022 levels. That is, cut $130 billion in spending. A red line that the Democrats refuse to cross.

It is difficult to say whether the positions are so far apart or whether it is a question of giving pledges to the particularly intransigent Republican and Democratic camps, but the situation is beginning to cause concern. This Friday, the financial markets, after opening higher, ended lower. A US default without raising the debt ceiling before June 1 is still avoidable, but the clock is ticking.

The negotiations are taking place in the absence of President Joe Biden, who is in Japan for the G7 meeting, and is due to return on Sunday.
