Between Abstentionism and Activism: The Two Souls of GenZ

Between Abstentionism and Activism The Two Souls of GenZ

(Finance) – What would happen if the world was governed by Boys? Memory immediately runs to the Goldwinian atmospheres of Lord of the Fliesbut in reality today’s young people have very clear ideas and they are decidedly valid ideas.

It’s a shame that they are in difficulty when it comes to choosing who should represent them: we know that electoral abstentionism it is a transversal phenomenon, which has been affecting the Italian electorate for years and not only, but particularly distant and “out of love” in politics, it is mainly the young and the very young who appear: according to a Swg surveythe under 35s are the most reluctant to vote, disheartened and disillusioned as they are with public affairs.

According to the same survey, in reality, conducted shortly before the last consultation for the re-election of the European Parliament, 46% of all Italians he said he would go to the polls out of a mere sense of duty and not with the belief that something would actually change with his vote.

But the attitude of young Italians changes radically when other issues and other ideals come into play: in our country activism it is an increasingly important reality and the driving force ofcivil and social commitment are the young people themselves. A clear reality is that of the commitment for the environment: starting from Greta Thumberg’s Fridays for Future up to the activists of the Last Generation, young people’s concern for the health of the planet is tangible and active.

But also in volunteering, in social work, in the fight to defend the rights of minorities, young people join together and try to make themselves heard, even just to show what their real tastes and interests are: the culture it is in fact one of the fundamental assets for the country’s economy, in which youth participation is fundamental. It is no coincidence that in the latest draft of the PNRRthe overall measures aimed at young people amount to 15.55 billion eurosequal to 8.1% of the total RRP resources and 0.54 points more than the previous draft.

At the centre of attention are not only investments on school and trainingbut also on the promotion of the so-called active citizenship.

An experiment of active participation of young people that has now become a beautiful reality in the cultural activities of the city of Rome is the Multidisciplinary festival organized by the cultural association Public Domainnow in its eleventh edition. This year too, the Youth Fest returns to Teatro India with six days of programming, more than 30 events and 130 artists involved in theatre, dance, circus, music, cinema, and visual and digital arts, all selected and coordinated by DAP – Participatory Artistic Directionmade up of young people under 25.

A work that goes on all year round and pushes young people to get busy, organize themselves and specialize in the world of cultural events and which culminates with the Festival event, where everything the Under25 universe shows itself: from slam poetry to the virtual museum, which can be visited entirely with Virtual Reality viewers, from short films to podcasts. With an exceptional opening, dedicated precisely to activism: on the stage of the Teatro India on the 25th Lynn Nottagethe most awarded African-American activist and playwright in history, the only woman to have won the award twice Pulitzer Prizenominated for a Tony Award for Best Play. She will bring her work, “Puff!”, which talks about women, marriage and friendship.

A demonstration that when young people are listened to, encouraged and organised, the results come: GenZ is full of problems, but they don’t lack the desire to do things. Now politics just needs to understand this and shift its gaze towards them, once and for all.
