Better not take your Nintendo Switch outside next week

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Germany is sliding into the next heat wave and will have to deal with high temperatures in the next few days and next week. You should then leave your Nintendo Switch at home.

Why should I leave the Switch at home? In the near future it will simply be too hot for the console.

The Japanese Twitter account from Nintendo pointed out the maximum outside temperature when using the switch (via and we at MeinMMO also wanted to give you the information again:

  • The Nintendo Switch is only designed for outside temperatures of 5° to 35° Celsius
  • If you want to take your Switch to the beach and do a few rounds of Mario Kart on an ice level in high temperatures, your console may go on strike – maybe even get damaged.

    Switch breaks a sweat in high temperatures

    What can happen to the Switch? The console shuts down, but that’s nothing to worry about. The switch thus protects itself from damage that can be caused by the heat.

    If you turn the console back on at home when the temperature is cooler and it’s up and running again, you’ll have no problem.

    However, high temperatures put a strain on the technology within the console and the switch can give up the ghost more quickly or even break directly.

    In addition, you use the switch at outside temperatures above 35° contrary to the operating recommendation – this can cause problems if a warranty claim arises.

    Mobile phone gets hot while gaming – 7 tips on what you can do about it

    What should I watch out for when playing with high temperatures? Make sure the vents are not blocked.

    There is a fan at the top in the middle and on the back below you will find 2 more air outlets (applies to all models). Nothing should be blocking the fans within 10 centimeters.

    If you also discover dust in the fan grooves, clean the fans carefully. A vacuum cleaner with attachments that reduce the suction power and come with a brush is best suited for this. You can find suitable accessories in our article on fan cleaning for the PS5.

    How high are the temperatures? Especially in the west of Germany it will be really hot this week – next week the temperature will be even higher. Some weather models even spit out temperatures above 40° (via

    The further away the forecast, the more uncertain the temperatures. However, one thing is clear – summer will have Germany under control in the next few days and if you want to do something good for your switch: put it in the shade at home and give it some rest from the high temperatures.

    Leave us a comment with your Switch experiences in terms of operating temperatures.

    If you’d rather read more about the console, you’ll find a column by MeinMMO colleague Benedikt Schlotmann here: Since I’ve played OLED on the Switch, I wouldn’t advise (almost) anyone to buy the normal Switch
