Best thermometers: our selection for taking your temperature

Best thermometers our selection for taking your temperature

The first reflex in case of heat and discomfort in babies and children is to take the temperature: there are many models of thermometers that are easy to use and maintain, and with maximum precision. Find our best of.

The thermometers are essential in any medicine kit, especially for take your baby’s temperature or her child when he has a fever. In case of doubt and to avoid having to rush to the doctor, it allows you to measure the temperature to know what to do. Before, the rectal thermometer was in every home, but it has been replaced by more modern thermometers, such as the classic electronic thermometer, which can assess the temperature in another way. Here are the different products on the market and their qualities.

Today’s thermometers make it possible to assess the temperature through the ears, the forehead, and even without any contact with the skin, those called infrared. Some thermometers are versatile and combine all these means. In addition, there are some that are multifunctional, that is, in addition to body temperature, they can take the temperature of food such as milk, water or food, practical when you has small children, as well as rooms in your home. Often equipped with a backlit screen, they can display data at night, readable even in the dark. Some use a color code, often green-orange-red, to interpret temperature. Other specificities exist on several thermometers, such as a beep emitted when the temperature exceeds 38°C, or even a memorization of the various temperature readings in order to follow the evolution of this one. Choose an accurate thermometer capable of quickly displaying the temperature for guaranteed efficiency.
