It’s back to school, and all is not well, as English teacher William Lafleur recounts in The most beautiful job in the world. Mr. Le Prof, for social networks, who has just announced his departure from National Education, has gathered dozens of testimonies from the teaching community testifying to the collapse of a system. His book, duly relayed by L’Express and a number of media, is soaring in our list of essays. It’s the start of the school year, and everything is smiling for around fifteen novelists who, barely published, are enjoying the favor of the general public. Among these, only three authors benefited from the attention of the Goncourt jury which placed them on their first list: Jean-Baptiste Andrea, with Watch over her (The Iconoclast), Akira Mizubayashi (Unforgettable suite, Gallimard) and the primo-novelist Neige Sinno with sad tiger (POL). Note that the latter is also selected by the jury for the December prize, just like François Bégaudeau and his Love (Vertical). Enough to stay in the Top 30 for a long time.
3767 Palmares
© / The Express
19. The Gift of Lies
By Donna Leon
The Gift of Lying By Donna Leon
© / Calmann-Lévy
While his Memoirs, A Promise of Adventurewill be published on September 27 by Calmann-Lévy, the American from Venice Donna Leon continues to charm her French readers. His new investigation by Commissioner Brunetti into scams in the Serenissima associations ranks 19th in the list.
4. Jeanne du Barry. A feminine ambition
By Emmanuel de Waresquiel
Jeanne du Barry. A feminine ambition By Emmanuel de Waresquiel
The life of Jeanne du Barry (1743-1793) is an enigmatic novel. From the meteoric rise of this linen worker’s daughter to her tragic end on the scaffold, historian Emmanuel de Waresquiel skilfully retraces the journey of Louis XV’s last mistress. Invited on August 30 to the France Inter morning show, he reaped the fruits of his work by placing his essay in 4th place in the list.
Der Osten: eine westdeutsche Erfindung
von Dirk Oschmann
Germany Der Osten: eine westdeutsche Erfindung Von Dirk Oschmann
© / Ullstein Verlag GmbH
He was born in 1967 in the former GDR. Professor of modern German literature at the University of Leipzig, he gave a conference on West German hegemony which continues, thirty years after the fall of the Wall, to dominate the political-economic-media landscape across the Rhine. A conference that the author turned into a great success, long number 1 on the list of bestsellers of the Spiegel.