Trying to find the best Minecraft mods to start a brand new adventure? If you want to add a little more excitement to the Minecraft experience, we can say that mods are a good choice. From minor gameplay improvements and quality-of-life updates to massive gameplay additions and a complete rebalance of Minecraft’s core, mods reveal a whole new world to play. In this article, we bring together the best Minecraft mods.
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1- Optifine / Fastcraft
Make Minecraft look incredible with Optifine, which provides support for HD textures and greater control over graphics options. Alternatively, if you’re playing on a potato, get Fastcraft – it significantly improves performance, especially on low-end machines with lots of Minecraft mods installed.
2- Journeymap

Journeymap maps your world as you explore, lets you mark waypoints that interest you, and can even warn you when mobs are sneaking up behind you. You can view the resulting map in-game as a minimap or full screen, or even in an external web browser.
3- Not Enough Items

Not Enough Items (or NEI) if you need a workaround against adding alt-tabs to a wiki while playing Minecraft. It allows you to find the recipe for any item from an installed Minecraft mod through a stylish interface in Minecraft’s inventory screen.

WAILA stands for “What Am I Looking At” and it will come in handy when you have loads of mods installed. Point your crosshair at a block and it will tell you what the block is. This also works in some mods and will tell you which mod it came from, but in newer mods it can also tell you about the status of that block – how full a water tank is or the charge level of a battery, for example. You will need NEI to run this mod.
5- Inventory Tweaks

Install Inventory Tweaks and you’ll wonder how you ever played without it before. Vehicles that run out of stamina are automatically replaced in your hotbar, stacks of blocks are automatically refilled, and a simple middle click will sort through your chests and inventory. You can also customize it as much as you want.
6- Miniature Mod

This mod allows you to shrink parts of your world and work on scaled down worlds using normal world mechanics. Shrinking worlds can be resized to normal size at any time by placing a rescaling block on top of it.
7- Controlling

This mod is an extremely simple mod that will make it much easier to control when you install other Minecraft mods. With this interface mod, you can simply open a search bar and type the control you’re looking for to see what keybinding is. You can even filter it so you can only mark overlapping keybindings and fix them right away.
8- Chisel 2

Minecraft has only one cobblestone texture. Chisel 2 mod has 24 texture types. It actually adds alternative textures to the default blocks of many games alongside the blocks that come with other mods – allowing you to create any decor you want in your in-game builds.
9- Decocraft

If you want a little more variety in decorating your world, Decocraft is the mod for you. Adds craftable chairs, tables, bowls, bottles, lamps, stuffed toys, beer kegs and even a kitchen sink. You can download Decocraft, which has many more options like these.
10- Bacteria Mode

This mod allows you to grow a number of different bacteria, each of which will perform different tasks (destructive or creative) and use them; It allows you to unleash it into the world. Make sure you store it properly, especially if you’re experimenting on your own base.
11- Pam’s Harvestcraft

For 60 crops, 17 fish species, vegetarian and vegan meals; including tofu and 36 fruit-bearing trees; With this mod, which adds more than 1,100 new foods and items, you can bring some serious variety to your Minecraft diet.
12- Biomes O’Plenty

Biomes O’Plenty adds 80 new biomes and 12 sub-biomes to Minecraft, from the Alps to the Wasteland. Also to tools, armor, food; it allows you to add a little more variety to the color and adds a few extra blocks to build.
13- The Twilight Forest

Twilight Forest, much simpler than other Minecraft exploration mods; filled with new mobs and challenging encounters as you progress; it allows you to create a portal to a constantly dim, forested new area.
14- Galacticraft

Allows you to travel an entire solar system; with Galacticraft, a comprehensive mod that lets you explore and even colonize; Go boldly to places you’ve never been before. The main feature of this mod besides all the interplanetary excursions; It requires minimal effort to escape from Earth and humans.
15- Progressive Automation

This mod adds basic automatic devices for everything from farming to forestry. The best part about Progressive Automation is that each machine can be upgraded as you progress; which means less rebuilding in the future.
See: The Most Fun Minecraft Mods