Five years ago, Roger Federer promised to play against a boy who had the tennis player as his big idol.
Now the promise has been fulfilled – and it may be among the finest we have seen.
Roger Federer is one of the world’s greatest tennis players of all time. The Swiss has an unparalleled 20 Grand Slam titles, and has of course been ranked number one in the world once upon a time.
Challenged Federer
During a press conference ahead of the US Open in August 2017, a young boy named Izyan “Zizou” Ahmad had the opportunity to ask Roger Federer a question:
– You are the most consistent player ever. Can you promise to keep playing for another eight or nine years so we can meet when I turn pro?, the boy wondered.
With a big smile, Roger Federer replied that it is absolutely something he can do. “Zizou” was not satisfied with the answer and made the Swiss promise that it would happen.
Said and done. Roger Federer promised to play a match against Ahmad. Now it has happened five years later – even though the young boy hasn’t turned pro yet.
Kept his promise
Izyan Ahmad is one of America’s biggest talents was invited to Switzerland to get his long-awaited match against Roger Federer. Of course, everything is on film and it may be among the best we have ever seen.
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