Bert Sundström: “Russia’s image of Sweden can hardly get any worse”

“The expansion of NATO is a mistake”, “a Swedish entry into the defense alliance is negative for Russia’s security”, “Russia will respond in an appropriate way”.

That’s how some of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s first comments sounded after the Turkish president gave Sweden’s application the thumbs up. For many, an unexpectedly measured response, but according to SVT’s foreign reporter and former Russia correspondent, it was completely to be expected.

– It is because they knew that this announcement would come, says Bert Sundström.

However, the fact that the news does not come as a shock does not mean that they are without charge.

– Putin may feel that he has been stabbed in the back by President Erdogan, so there is enough anger.

How big is the threat to Sweden from Russia?

During Wednesday morning, Vice President Dmitry Medvedev resumed his previous threats that we are closer to a third world war than ever. But the threats themselves are not new, and that a military attack against Sweden is not particularly likely, says Sundström.

– The threat to Sweden lies more on the psychological level. I think it is almost out of the question that Russia would deploy the military in an attack on Sweden, he says.

Does Swedish NATO membership change Russia’s view of Sweden?

– Russia’s image of Sweden is already so negative that it can hardly get much worse.

Hear SVT’s foreign reporter Bert Sundström find out what Russia really feels about NATO opening up to Ukraine and Sweden in the video above.
