Bernard Cazeneuve launches a manifesto for “another left”

Bernard Cazeneuve launches a manifesto for another left

A week after the Socialists returned to Blois, former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve broke his political silence. In a column published by the Sunday newspaper this September 4, he calls for a profound overhaul of the left. The one who left the PS last May to protest against the agreement between his party and La France insoumise within the union of the left, signs, with 400 personalities on the left, a manifesto to rebuild social democracy.

A left “ under the domination of Jean-Luc Mélenchon “, a leadership of the Socialist Party” doggie “, Bernard Cazeneuve pounded the strategy of the boss of the PS, Olivier Faure, craftsman and defender of the Nupes agreement with rebellious, environmentalists and communists.

The former Prime Minister under François Hollande criticizes the union of the left for its anti-nuclear position, but he especially castigates the leader of the rebellious, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accused of organizing the ” confrontation of all against all and to attack the institutions of the Republic.

► To read also: France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon promises the “general battle” against Emmanuel Macron

Another left is possible “, social democrat, republican and universalist, argues Bernard Cazeneuve as the campaign for the head of the PS starts.

A dynamic driven by a new generation

Four hundred personalities signed this manifesto with him. Among them, former ministers and socialist officials, local elected officials, all or almost all opposed to the Nupes.

Two absent all the same: the former presidential candidate and mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, yet critical of the Nupes; and the patroness of the Occitanie region, Carole Delga who, after having organized dissent in the legislative elections, recently orchestrated his reconciliation with the PS.

Cazeneuve or the return of the elephants of the PS and the ” it was better before »? The former Minister of the Interior sweeps and promises that the dynamic he calls for will be carried by a new generation.

► To read also: France: Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, calls on the socialists to “go beyond the conflicts”
