Bern vetoes Germany sending Swiss-made ammunition to Ukraine

Bern vetoes Germany sending Swiss made ammunition to Ukraine

Swiss neutrality put to the test by the war in Ukraine. Bern has joined the sanctions against Russia. And froze the assets of the oligarchs. But there is no question of delivering arms to Ukraine. Switzerland has vetoed the sending, by Germany, of ammunition manufactured in Switzerland, intended for the Ukrainian army.

With our correspondent in Geneva, Jeremiah Lance

The ammunition concerned is manufactured in the Zurich region. They equip the German tank Marder, which Berlin could deliver to Ukraine. Germany therefore asked permission from its neighbor to go ahead. But Bern opposed it. As much because of Swiss neutrality as because of Swiss law which prohibits the export of war material to countries involved in conflicts. Information confirmed by the Swiss Ministry of the Economy.

Some elected officials in Switzerland, however, say they do not understand the position of the government, which has the possibility of authorizing these exports if it is in the interest of the country. The boss of the main center-right party even speaks of non-assistance to Ukraine.

In reality, weapons made in Switzerland are used in the conflict. Including Ukrainian anti-tank defense warheads. But these are components only. Assembly took place in the UK. Who therefore did not need to ask Switzerland for its opinion before sending them to kyiv.
