Berlusconi, the tribute to Villa San Martino continues. Melons in Arcore

Berlusconi the tribute to Villa San Martino continues Melons in

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Many tributes, thoughts and even a large banner with written ‘Thank you forever president’ appeared this morning on a hedge that runs alongside the villa, signed by the fans of the curve of Monza soccer in front of the historic Villa San Martino, the residence in Arcore of Silvio Berlusconi, the leader of Forza Italia who died yesterday at the age of 86 in the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, even today a pilgrimage destination for how much they want to pay homage.

Yesterday, in fact, the former prime minister’s coffin was taken to his residence, awaiting the scheduled state funeral tomorrow at 3 pm in the Milan Cathedral. National mourning was also decreed for the day, the first time for a former prime minister. And it is precisely on this decision that the controversy arises. “State funerals are planned and it is right that there are, but national mourning for a divisive person like Berlusconi was, in my opinion, is not an appropriate choice”. To say it, guest of Un Giorno da Pecora, on Rai Radio1, is Rosy Bindi, former minister and exponent of the Democratic Party. Along the same lines also i Five stars.

Meanwhile, the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni, as far as we know, in the late afternoon he should leave by plane for Milan, where tomorrow he will participate in the state funeral of Silvio Berlusconi. Just in these minutes Meloni has arrived in Arcore at Villa San Martino, with her Salvini and La Russa-

Silvio Berlusconi was a fighter – said the president of the EP Roberta Metsola at the commemoration for the death of Silvio Berlusconi, in front of the Plenary – who founded and led the center-right in Italy, a protagonist of politics for generations and contributed to crucial passages in the history of Europe and Italy . Never too far from controversy even in this house but everyone here remembers him for his generosity, his courage and his charisma. History will debate the impact of him but the man left his mark.”

The Conference of Montecitorio group leaders which met this morning established that a commemoration will be held in the Chamber, but the date has not yet been decided. While the Senate hall will commemorate Silvio Berlusconi on Tuesday 20 June at 3.00 pm. The Hall is suspended for the whole week and will resume Monday 19 with the general discussion on the Pa
