Bergman’s “Unfaithful” becomes a TV series

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The series is about a triangle drama, about how the character David falls in love with his best friend Markus’ wife Marianne, and what the consequences will be.

“Trolösa” was one of Bergman’s last screenplays and has been filmed once before, in a feature film of the same name from the year 2000, then directed by Liv Ullman and with Lena Endre and Erland Josephson in the cast.

Tomas Alfredson, who, among other things, directed “Tinker tailor soldier spy” and “Let the right one in”, called Bergman back in 2001 and asked for a new interpretation.

“He thought it sounded like ‘a fucking drunken idea’. But the longer we talked about it, he thought it sounded both ‘terribly exciting’ and ‘really shitty’,” says Tomas Alfredson in a press release.

He continues:

“I have a hard time seeing that I have ever faced a bigger task and promise that I will lift my hat for what has been and roll up my sleeves for what is to come.”

Norwegian Sara Johnsen, who among other things wrote the script for the Norwegian drama series “July 22” about the terrorist attack in Norway in 2011, is responsible for the series script.

“It feels like we’re making the best character-driven TV drama of all time, with desire in the lead role,” she says.

The project was presented at Bergman Week on Fårö, which ends on Saturday.
