Benedict will be buried in the century-old resting place of the Popes – watch live coverage of the ceremony and funeral

Benedict will be buried in the century old resting place of

Almost 200,000 people paid their last respects to the coffin of the Pope Emeritus, who died at the age of 95 on New Year’s Eve. The funeral starts at 10:30.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is buried in the same place in St. Peter’s Church as his more than 90 predecessors over the centuries.

Tens of thousands of people are expected for the funeral ceremony in St. Peter’s Square. The official ceremony is more modest than that of an incumbent Catholic Church leader. The Pope Emeritus gave up his duties for health reasons in 2013. The Pope Emeritus’ own wish was also a simple ceremony.

The event will be attended by official representatives from the Pope’s birthplace, Germany and Italy. Unofficially, European royalty is seen at the funeral, including the King of Belgiums Philippe and the Queen of Spain Letizia. The Hungarian and Polish delegations will also participate in the event. In the spirit of ecumenism, representatives of several denominations and other religions participate in the ceremony. Among the invited guests is, for example, the Italian Buddhist Union.

Dozens of predecessors in the crypt

The Pope Emeritus hoped to be buried in St. Peter’s Church like his predecessors.

The remains of the former head of the Catholic Church in a wooden coffin are sealed in a zinc casket, which is placed in a large cypress wooden casket. There are three chests in total. The symbols of his term of office are buried with the Pope. Among other things, coins with the image of the Pope have been placed in the coffin.

Portugal has a national day of mourning. In Italy, the flags are at half mast. In Germany, the memory of the Pope Emeritus is honored by ringing church bells all over the country at eleven o’clock local time.

A thousand policemen securing the arrangements

The day of the funeral in the Vatican dawned foggy. The first Followers of the occasion had arrived almost six hours before the start of the Funeral.

There were large groups dressed in national costumes and equipped with state flags from Bavaria, the birthplace of the Pope Emeritus.

A thousand policemen protect the arrangements. The airspace of the Vatican is above the church state and in its vicinity.

Sources: Reuters, AFP
