Benedict Cumberbatch, who entered the Marvel cinematic universe with his role as Doctor Strange, found his new movie project. After the second film of the series, she will work with the famous director Paul Greengrass.
Jason Bourne, who first entered our lives in 2002 with the movie The Bourne Identity, shot by Doug Liman, later became very popular with Paul Greengrass’s masterwork. The British director, who finally appeared in front of the audience with the movie News of the World in 2020, announced that his new movie project will be a period drama.
Doctor Strange star Benedict Cumberbatch announced that his new movie project will be The Hood after Doctor Strange 2.
Benedict Cumberbatch’s new movie project is a drama
The story of The Hood will branch out around a peasant revolt in England. The farmer, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, will assume leadership of the rebellion. It has not been announced when the movie will be released and who else it will feature.
If we take a look at the British director’s filmography, usually action and drama films come to the fore. From this point of view, it would not be wrong to say that The Hood movie can be a drama blended with some action. Benedict Cumberbatch, who previously starred in a western drama with the movie Power of the Dog, can be said to be a good choice for The Hood movie.