Benalla affair, minister… who is the probable future president of the Assembly?

Benalla affair minister who is the probable future president of

YAEL BRAUN-PIVET. The MP for Yvelines and majority candidate is the favorite to be elected President of the National Assembly this Tuesday, June 28, 2022. Ex-minister, linked to the Benalla affair, who is this LREM executive?

[Mis à jour le 28 juin 2022 à 14h45] If she has not made history as a minister – if it is not her lightning passage in government – ​​Yaël Braun-Pivet could be known as the first woman president of the National Assembly. Candidate of the presidential majority and favorite to succeed Richard Ferrand, the deputy will know at 3 p.m., this Tuesday, June 28, 2022, if she will be able to settle in the perch for the next five years. Unless the situation turns around, victory is promised to the elected representative of Yvelines but she could have to wait three rounds to be elected with a simple simple majority and not an absolute majority. Yaël Braun-Pivet is also surprising because by setting up at the head of the hemicycle she would beat the post of veterans of politics as she did during the internal majority elections against Roland Lescure, after only five years of experience in politics. However, during her mandate, the criminal lawyer by training faced some pitfalls and was not always described on good terms among the deputies. Member of Parliament, Minister and soon to be President of the Assembly, a look back at the walker’s political rise.

Yaël Braun-Pivet: the first woman appointed President of the Assembly?

In the running to succeed Richard Ferrand as President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet should, barring a major reversal of the situation, be elected to head the Chamber. She would then be the first woman to occupy the fourth position in the state, behind the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the President of the Senate. “It was time” for a woman to take over the presidency of the Palais Bourbon according to Jean-Louis Debré who himself officiated at the perch from 2002 to 2007 and indicated on BFM TV to have “a long campaigned for that”. Yaël Braun-Pivet would break the glass ceiling by being elected this Tuesday, June 28 at 3 p.m. and would open the way a little more for women in politics, a month after the appointment of another woman as head of government, Elisabeth Borne. However, if the presidency of the Assembly will be female, the body of deputy remains essentially male. The number of women deputies has even fallen compared to the previous legislature with only 37.3% elected, or 215 women to sit in the Palais-Bourbon against 362 men.

If the election of Yaël Braun-Pivet as President of the National Assembly is raised as a symbol for women in politics, the deputy herself would not be a fervent feminist according to the LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, Clémentine Aunt. On LCP, the elected member of Nupes hailed as “good news” the accession of a woman to the perch but criticized the deputy LREM and recalled her rejection of the request to include the right to abortion in the Constitution issued by the radical left in 2018.

Yaël Braun-Pivet, MP and soon to be President of the National Assembly?

In 2017, it was as a deputy from civil society that Yaël Braun-Pivet moved to the National Assembly in the presidential majority group after her clear victory in the 5th constituency of Yvelines. A first conclusive mandate for the lawyer by training who was propelled to the head of the Law Commission. Five years later, she won again in the Ile-de-France constituency, still under the LREM label, against the left-wing coalition, Nupes. With a first experience as a member of Parliament and a connoisseur of parliamentary mysteries, for her second term she is aiming for the presidency of the National Assembly. The elected representatives Barbara Pompili, Joël Giraud and Sophie Errante admitted defeat in the first round of the internal elections and Yaël Braun-Pivet beat Roland Lescure in the second ballot. Access to the perch is now only a formality, the majority group still having the last word on the identity of the president of the Palais Bourbon, but without an absolute majority in the hemicycle, the candidate will have to wait for a third round to be elected thanks to the 245 votes of the deputies Together! (LREM, MoDem, Act, Horizons).

36 days and then goes. Yaël Braun-Pivet only made a very short stint at the Ministry of Overseas. Appointed on May 20, 2022 by Emmanuel Macron, the one who aspires to become President of the National Assembly submitted her resignation on June 25 to the President of the Republic after being nominated candidate for Together (parliamentary coalition bringing together LREM, MoDem, Agir and Horizons) to settle at the head of the Bourbon Palace. Enough to attract ultramarine wrath.

The deputy of Guadeloupe, members of the Nupes, Elie Califer, was annoyed by the contempt and the low consideration given to the Overseas Territories. “Once again, this government pays little attention to our overseas territories. Without daring to speak of contempt, I would simply say that beyond the fine words heard recently, the new governmental consideration shown after the cry of anger expressed at the ballot box by our populations, this government does indeed retain the same brutal, distant, even indifferent attitude towards our territories”, attacked the Guadeloupean in a press release. It is clear that in one month Yaël Braun-Pivet has gone from a spirited speech for the Overseas Territories, having even detailed her roadmap and local trips in an interview for Internet userresigned without notice for national ambitions

“Five years later, here I am in charge of a magnificent ministry, with an enormous responsibility on my shoulders. And with a sense of commitment that has not been denied and which has not weakened, quite the contrary “, she launched during her inauguration, before speaking of her ex-ministry as “the most beautiful portfolio there is.”

Legislative, assembly, commission… What is the political career of Yaël Braun-Pivet?

Yaël Braun-Pivet took her first steps in politics in 2016 when she joined the Republic on the move. It didn’t take long for the lawyer to plunge headfirst into political life by standing in the legislative elections for the 5th constituency of Yvelines in 2017. Driven by the new LREM wave, the forty-year-old imposed herself and beat the deputy Jacques Myard strong from his 24 years spent in the hemicycle. Without political experience but mastering the texts and the subtleties of the laws, Yaël Braun-Pivet arrived from her first mandate as a deputy to obtain important functions within the National Assembly such as the presidency of one of the eight permanent committees, that of the Laws. But the deputy proved to be an ambitious personality and claimed the presidency of the Assembly in 2018 when it was a question of replacing François de Rugy then appointed Minister for Ecological Transition in the Philippe 2 government. time, Yaël Braun-Pivet still had to hone his skills and stepped aside the day after the announcement of his candidacy in favor of Richard Ferrand. This year, the deputy took her project to the end and won the internal elections of the presidential majority for the presidency of the Assembly.

Yaël Braun-Pivet in difficulty at the start of his mandate

Member of Parliament from civil society, when she started out in politics, Yaël Braun-Pivet had some difficulties in taking the fold of parliamentary life and especially in being appreciated by her peers. Very quickly installed in a key position in the Assembly without having the particular favors of the Elysée, she came under criticism from many politicians, such as Edouard Philippe. The former Prime Minister “said horrors about him, like many of the old veterans who had the LaREM label but who had been in politics for years”, told a member of the macronie to BFM TV. But she too was not tender or diplomatic with parliamentarians, including those in the majority, whom she described in 2017 as “a sleeping group, which does not know how to step up, which is wallowing”. A glaring lack of experience which has been erased thanks to accelerated training provided by the administrators of the commission according to another deputy with the continuous information channel.

MP for the 5th district of Yvelines and president of the Law Commission, Yaël Braun-Pivet was entrusted in 2018 with the presidency of the commission of inquiry into the Benalla affair, after the events of the Contrescarpe. Alexandre Benalla, ex-charge de mission of the Élysée, had been fired in July 2018. He had been identified on videos violently arresting demonstrators in Paris, during the demonstrations of 1er may. At the time, the former socialist activist was a novice in politics and her appointment raised questions. It was not easy to lead debates which were tough inside the commission and tensions appeared with the co-rapporteur of the mission Guillaume Larrivé (LR). Yaël Braun-Pivet finally closed the commission on 1er August 2018.

On January 1, 2019, Yaël Braun-Pivet rejected the establishment of a new commission in this Benalla affair: “The latest revelations relating to the actions of Mr. Benalla do not fall within the precise perimeter fixed in July”, had-t-t she explained in a press release. This response came after the request of the Socialist deputies, on December 31, 2018.

Yaël Braun-Pivet is married to her childhood sweetheart, Vianney. The latter is an executive at L’Oréal. During the first part of his life, she followed him on his trips abroad. From now on, it is her spouse who adapts to the life of the deputy, as she specified to Marie-Claire in September 2018: “When I met Vianney, we were in high school, in first. always accompanied, supported. When, for his career, he was sent to Taiwan, then to Japan and Portugal, I followed him with the children. When we returned, he too respected my choices. He came to my first public meeting when I entered politics.”
