Belloubet, Valletoux… The new ministers of the Attal government – ​​L’Express

Belloubet Valletoux… The new ministers of the Attal government –

The executive unveiled, this Thursday, February 8, a new “pack” of ministers to complete the government. The Elysée notably announced the arrival of the former Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet who replaces Amélie Oudéa-Castéra at National Education, as well as the appointment of 16 delegate ministers and 5 secretaries of state who complete the 13 ministers of full exercise, led by Gabriel Attal.

Discover the list of new ministers and secretaries of state:

Minister of National Education: Nicole Belloubet

This was the main question of this second wave of government announcements: who to replace Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, whose scandals have paralyzed action on rue de Grenelle? After François Bayrou’s about-face, it is finally the former Minister of Justice (2017-2020) Nicole Belloubet who regains the post of Minister of National Education, in a climate of mistrust with the teaching world.

Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games: Amélie Oudéa-Castéra

Ousted from the Ministry of National Education, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra returns to her original post pre-reshuffle of January 2024: that of Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

READ ALSO: Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, behind the scenes of an ordeal: “I no longer recognize her”

Minister Delegate in charge of Health and Prevention: Frédéric Valletoux

Former president of the French Hospital Federation (2011-2022), member of Horizons and close to Edouard Philippe, Frédéric Valletoux takes over the Ministry of Health, under the authority of Catherine Vautrin.

Minister Delegate in charge of the Elderly and People with Disabilities: Fadila Khattabi

Minister Delegate for Transport: Patrice Vergriete

Former mayor of Dunkirk and Minister for Housing since July 2023, Patrice Vergriete replaces Clément Beaune at the Ministry of Transport.

READ ALSO: Patrice Vergriete, Minister of Housing: “We are experiencing a triple real estate crisis”

Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories: Marie Guévenoux

Former activist in the UMP then in the Republicans, member of Alain Juppé’s team in the right-wing primary in 2016, finally elected LREM deputy for Essonne (ex-Renaissance) in 2017, Marie Guévenoux replaces Philippe Vigier in the Overseas, under the authority of Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

Minister Delegate for Housing: Guillaume Kasbarian

Renaissance MP for Eure-et-Loir since 2017 and president of the Economic Affairs Committee of the National Assembly since 2022, Guillaume Kasbarian is one of the Palais Bourbon elected officials promoted during this new wave of ministerial announcements.

Minister Delegate in charge of Industry and Energy: Roland Lescure

Minister Delegate in charge of Business, Tourism, and Consumption: Olivia Gregoire

In government since 2020 in various positions, Minister Delegate in charge of Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce, Crafts and Tourism since 2022, Olivia Grégoire remains in her position as Minister Delegate to Bruno Le Maire in Bercy, and is also recovering the field of Consumption.

Minister responsible for Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, Francophonie and French people abroad: Frank Riester

Minister Delegate for Europe : Jean-Noël Barrot

Minister Delegate for Children, Youth and Families : Sarah El Haïry

Secretary of State for the Sea and Biodiversity : Hervé Berville

Secretary of State for Development and International Partnerships : Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Deputy Secretary of State for Digital: Marina Ferrari
