Bella Nilsson’s unknown connection to Olof K Gustafsson

Bella Nilssons unknown connection to Olof K Gustafsson

The trial against Bella Nilssonwho is accused of serious environmental crime in the so-called Think Pink scandal, has begun and is expected to last for just over 100 days.

Bella Nilsson denies serious environmental crime

From the prosecutor’s side, they mean that Think Pink, which was founded by Nilsson and her then-husband Thomas Nilsson year 2012, for payment must have undertaken to handle environmentally hazardous waste according to current regulations, but then ignored the existing requirements.

Bella Nilsson, who today is called something else and who over the years has called herself the “Queen of trash”, has always denied any crime.

READ MORE: The Think Pink five-point skein

Bella Nilsson stands accused in the Think Pink scandal. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TTBild from the police’s preliminary investigation into environmental crimes linked to the company Think Pink. Photo: Police/TT

DON’T MISS: Everything about Bella Nilsson – accused in the Think Pink mess

Many already know that Bella Nilsson worked as both a stripper and a porn club manager – something that was also depicted in the TV4 documentary “Queen of trash – the sex clubs, the garbage and the crimes”.

What some don’t know is that Bella Nilsson is also related Olof K Gustafsson who are suspected of, among other things, smuggling, fraud and serious money laundering.

Gustafsson, who in recent years has become infamous because he managed the Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar’s brand, is in custody in Spain where he was also arrested in December 2023. In the hope of being extradited to Sweden, Gustafsson has admitted serious fraud in Sweden.

However, the case has been closed and he now risks being extradited to the United States, where he is accused of several of the crimes.

READ MORE: Escobar CEO Olof K Gustafsson detained in Spain

Olof K Gustafsson. Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf/SvD/TTOlof K Gustafsson risks a long prison sentence if he is released and subsequently convicted in an American court. Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf/SvD/TT

According to Expressen, Nilsson is Gustafsson’s aunt. However, he has stated for the newspaper that they have not had contact since the end of the 1990s.

– I have seen and read about her company, but not met her, he has said The Express.

Nilsson has not commented on the alleged relationship.

DON’T MISS: Everything about Olof K Gustafsson: The fortune, the wife and the companies
