Belgium temporarily bans the sale of fireworks

Belgium temporarily bans the sale of fireworks

The death of young Nahel has consequences as far as Belgium. On Friday, Saturday, municipalities close to the French border decided to temporarily ban the sale of fireworks to prevent young people involved in the riots from coming there to supply themselves with pyrotechnic material, then diverted and used against the forces. of the order.

With our correspondent in Brussels, Laure Broulard

In Tournai, a Belgian city about thirty kilometers from Lille, fireworks stores have seen their turnover explode in recent days: “We suspect that it is not to prepare for July 14 said the mayor of the city, Paul Olivier Delannois, who fears that these articles will be used in violent demonstrations In France.

He therefore issued an order prohibiting the sale of pyrotechnic material to individuals throughout the town, from July 1 to 3. A similar decision was taken in Mouscron, a neighboring town of Tourcoing. This is to align with the northern prefecture, on the other side of the border, which banned the possession and use of all fireworks from June 29.

It must be said that in Belgium, the reactions to the death of the young Nahel are followed closely, because the drama has caused a stir as far as Brussels. Thursday and Friday evening, the police intervened to disperse several protest rallies in the Belgian capital, and made around a hundred administrative arrests.

Read alsoViolence in France: the conflagration seen by the foreign press
