Belgium bans ‘homosexual conversion therapy’

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The Belgian government is preparing to ban the use of methods aimed at changing, suppressing or eliminating the sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of LGBTQI+ individuals.

Belgium is one of the 68 countries where a practice called “conversion therapy” is in effect, in which methods up to torture are used to change people’s sexual orientation.

According to Belgian media, the federal government is seeking legislation to criminalize this practice.

Sarah Schlitz, Minister of State for Gender Equality, started to prepare a draft law at the request of the government.

According to Schiltz, this practice ranges from psychotherapy and electroshock therapy to assault and even “corrective” rape.

These practices, which can take place in a religious, medical, sectarian, family or so-called professional environment, can have dire consequences for LGBTQI+ individuals.

Minister Schiltz emphasized that they want to put an end to this practice, which aims to change, suppress or eliminate the sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of LGBTQI+ individuals.

According to the Belgian minister, the burden of proof in prosecuting someone for these practices under current law is often very heavy.

For this reason, in the new regulation, the realization, presentation, promotion and advertisement of “conversion” practices will be considered as separate crimes.

“Attempting to change, disable or suppress real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression and to make people accept their birth gender is prohibited,” the new regulation will state.
