Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Wilmès leaves his post to take care of his sick wife

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Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmès has temporarily resigned from her post to take care of her husband, who was diagnosed with a serious brain tumor.

Wilmès announced on his Twitter account that an aggressive form of brain cancer was discovered in his wife, Australian businessman Christopher Stone.

Stone has three daughters from his marriage to Wilmès and a son from a previous marriage. Wilmès stated that he wanted to devote time to his wife and family during this process, and therefore he would resign from his duties in the federal government.

“This means I cannot offer Christopher and our children the help and solace they need during this difficult time,” Wilmès said in his statement, pointing out that being a minister requires discipline, conformity and complete dedication.

Wilmès’ duties will be assigned to other members of government by royal decree. There will be a reassessment of Wilmès’ return to duty at the end of the summer.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo will assume the powers of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in Wilmès’ absence.

Stating that he is ready to do whatever he can for Wilmès, De Croo told public broadcaster VRT, “I think this is terrible news for Sophie, Christopher and their children. In a situation like this, time is the most precious asset and we should really give it time. It’s undoubtedly very difficult. I wish him strength and courage on behalf of the whole country at some point in time,” he said.

Georges-Louis Bouchez, leader of the Liberal Party (MR), to which Wilmès is a member, said: “Sophie Wilmès is an exceptional woman for our country and for MR. She is also an extraordinary wife and mother. This is a very difficult time. Support from the entire family of liberals Sophie and Christopher He will be with you,” he said.

First female prime minister

47-year-old Sophie Wilmès has been an influential figure in Belgian politics since 2015. Wilmès, who headed the minority government from October 2019 to September 2020 after the Ministry of Finance, became the first female prime minister in Belgium’s history.

Wilmès also served as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade, and Federal Cultural Institutions in the coalition government formed in October 2020.
