Being always late can hide a more serious psychological disorder, it is better to consult

Being always late can hide a more serious psychological disorder

Recurring delays are typical of a attention problem.

Punctuality is a quality that not everyone has. For example, 1 out of 10 French people would systematically arrive late for work, according to a survey conducted by OpinionWay for the Monster job search site. Occasional delays are often linked to setbacks or a lack of organization and are not dramatic. On the other hand, if they are recurrent and persist despite all the efforts, they can hide a deeper disorder.

These people can suffer from what is called “temporal blindness” where “They may find it difficult to really assess the time they need to get to the place where they want to go or in mind only the time they need to arrive“, describes DEDE O’SHEA, psychologist based in Cambridge (Massachusetts) and member of the TUFTS University CLINICAL PAVOLIC (United States). What I often hear is that they are supposed to be at work at 9 am, and therefore they have this “9 am” Deadline in mind and it is at this point that they leave The house, because everything they could think of in their heads was “9 am“.

This behavior would be relatively typical of a person with hyperactivity (ADHD), according to the psychologist. “”This disorder affects part of the brain which controls the way you head attention. The person who suffers from it sometimes has trouble focusing on what to do and keeps going back and forth between all these different ideas“She explains on theHuffpost. Obviously, everyone who arrives late are not ADHD and vice versa, all TDAH people are not systematically late. “”Each TDAH person is unique and the professional archetypes of people with ADHD are as diverse as those of any other group. For some, it will result in “procrastinator” behavior (put everything again, editor’s note)others will develop verification tocs or perfectionism pushed to the extremeunderlines Megan Anna Neff, clinical psychologist, questioned by the same media.

If you think you are suffering from ADHD, a good starting point is to consult your doctor or a clinical psychologist specializing in ADHD in adults. “”Starting the conversation with your attending physician is often the best first step towards an assessment“, conclude these experts.
