Beijing Express 2025: The date of the final postponed because of some “betrayals” at M6

Beijing Express 2025 The date of the final postponed because

The grand final of “Beijing Express” 2025 will not take place on the date scheduled by fans. The reasons for this sudden gap come from an internal choice at M6.

Season 20 of Beijing Express has been in full swing on M6 for several weeks. To celebrate this anniversary, production has put small dishes in the big ones by traveling through several African countries such as Tanzania, Lesotho or Mozambique. Ten pairs have embarked on this exotic adventure, with the hope of reaching the final in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The twists and turns have been legion, but the time is now for the fight for the final stretch. After 9 weeks of competition, the tension is at its height, with the semi-finals that started this Thursday. Following the elimination of Matteo and Esmeralda, alias “Belgian cousins”, there are only 3 pairs left: Etienne and Judith, “Les Tiereaux du Nord”; Cécile and Marion, “the students”; Patricia and Adrien, “friends despite their 30 years apart”.

Cécile and Marion, the “students”, favorites for the Beijing Express 2025 final. © Patrick Robert/M6

The outcome is therefore imminent and all the fans of the show are impatient at the idea of ​​knowing the winning duo. The date of this grand finale was initially expected for Thursday, April 3 in prime time, following the weekly dissemination pace. But M6 announced a last -minute upheaval in its programs a few days ago.

It is only on Saturday April 5 that we will finally discover who will win this very special anniversary season. A 48 -hour postponement which has aroused many questions and speculation among the community of aficionados. On social networks, the hypotheses are going well to explain this sudden choice. Some imagine technical problems during assembly, others a desire to make the suspense last or take advantage of a Saturday to make the event stronger. But the truth is elsewhere.

On April 3, M6 has decided to give priority to the launch of the new season of Traitorspresented by the semillant Eric Antoine. It is therefore a few betrayals (3 in total on the 20 participants) who will relegate the final of Beijing Express the following Saturday. A decision that makes a few teeth cringe. As much as Traitors did not necessarily need this spotlight, with its good audiences last year.

Appointment is therefore made on Saturday April 5 for a final that is already coming rich in emotions. In the meantime, everyone can continue to support their favorite pair and imagine who will have the honors of Stéphane Rotenberg on the highest step of the podium in Johannesburg. Suspense …
