Behind the scenes of publishing, the great adventure of the book

Behind the scenes of publishing the great adventure of the

Throughout the pages of “The great adventure of the book”, Camille de Cussac and Stéphanie Vernet take us through the daily life of the author, editor, illustrator, printer, bookseller and librarian. . An exciting book that makes us discover the daily life and behind the scenes of these exciting professions which all contribute to the birth of the pleasure of reading.

Even before opening the book, one is already intrigued by the object itself. We know that we have in our hands a work that is not like the others. And the surprises are just beginning: inside this strange “documentary album”, a string of colorful characters in the first sense of the term.

From the author to the readers, passing through the editor, the printer, the bookseller or the librarian, all contribute successively to the birth of an immense pleasure: the pleasure of reading. If this strange and playful, richly illustrated and skilfully documented book is aimed primarily at the youngest, everyone will be able to find something to their liking.

“The great adventure of the book”, by Stéphanie Vernet and Camille de Cussac, published by Dada editions, takes us “behind the scenes of publishing”.

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