Behind the scenes in the Tidö collaboration: The issues where SD is pressuring the government

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

SVT Nyheter was the first editorial board to be admitted to a meeting with the Sweden Democrats’ coordination office. It will be an insight into the handling of several of the issues where SD and the government parties have different views. Like labor immigration.

In the Tidö agreement it is stated that the wage level must correspond to the median wage, currently SEK 33,200 a month. The Liberals have wanted to see that, for example, seasonally employed berry pickers and healthcare workers be exempted from the requirement.

Tough negotiations

According to reports, a common line has now been found and the additional directives for an investigation into labor immigration are expected to arrive shortly. But the scenes at the meeting testify to tough negotiations that have been going on since at least the beginning of February, when the issue was raised to the heads of the parties’ respective coordination offices.

– It’s complicated, we have slightly different entrances, Johan Pehrson confirmed in Ekot’s Saturday interview last week.

SD: Concern about quotas in the public service

Another point of contention in the area of ​​immigration is the timetable for the bill regarding stricter family immigration. The Tidö agreement says “quickly”. But in the bill list, the bill is only planned for this autumn.

– It is under negotiation when that plug will arrive. The “stop list” came around New Year’s but can change, says Erik Larsson, SD’s representative in the migration steering group.

Another issue on his table is the investigation into a new broadcasting license for public service. At the meeting, Larsson says that he is satisfied with most of what he has read of the directives, but that SD wants a clear statement that the mirroring task, i.e. how Sweden is represented, must be investigated. The reason: concerns about quotas.

– It could be that you count people in a way that becomes nasty in the long run, and that is a concern. Naturally, we as a party are opposed to quotas, says Larsson.

The investigation is also expected to come soon.

The view on editorial duty is divisive

A common issue where the differences have been played out in public is the view on the duty to reduce. The Tidö parties have agreed to lower the reduction obligation to the EU’s lowest level, which according to SD’s interpretation means zero. In SVT Report on Tuesday Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) said:

– That level is currently under negotiation.
