Beginning to heal its wounds, Tonga reconnected to the world weeks later.

Beginning to heal its wounds Tonga reconnected to the world

In the volcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami in the island country Tonga in the Pacific Ocean, the submarine cable was damaged and internet access was cut off. However, the internet restriction in the country is now over.

According to Radio New Zealand’s report, Samuiela Funda, President of Tonga Cable Limited, said that the internet restriction, which has been going on for more than a month, ended with the repair of the Southern Cross cable, which provides telephone and internet service.

Stating that Tonga’s contact with the outside world has been restored as of today, Funda said, “Everything has been done, the cable was delivered to us just before noon this morning.” said.


Noting that the repair invoice of the cable has not been sent yet from the US cable company SubCom, Funda said, “We will not know the exact cost of the repairs until an invoice comes from the company (SubCom), but I estimate that it will cost at least 1 million dollars.” used the phrases.


The volcano, 65 kilometers north of Nuku’alofa, the capital of Tonga, which consists of about 170 islands in the Pacific Ocean, started spewing ash, steam and gas on January 15. After the volcanic eruption and the tsunami that followed, 6 people died in the country.

After the explosion, tsunami warnings were issued for Tonga, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Chile and Japan, and the tsunami hit almost all the islands in Tonga.

After the violent volcanic eruption and tsunami, the submarine cable in Tonga was damaged, and the communication of the Pacific island with the outside world was cut off. (AA)
