beginning of an operation to evict street vendors in Kinshasa

beginning of an operation to evict street vendors in Kinshasa

In the DRC, a major eviction operation begins Monday, January 8 in the city of Kinshasa. The capital is expecting a visit from Pope Francis from January 31 to February 3. A press release from the municipality speaks of a “punch operation” consisting of the evacuation of all illegal rights-of-way. Objective to ensure the sanitation of the premises by the end of the month.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Kamanda wa Kamanda Muzembe

The “punch operation” begins today along Lumumba Boulevard, between N’Djili International Airport and the first street in the town of Limete. Pirate markets, kiosks and makeshift terraces will be evacuated… It will be forbidden to sell water in plastic bags. Vehicle wrecks and pirate garages will be removed and car and bus parking spaces will be relocated.

According to the press release from the capital’s town hall, it is strictly forbidden for all vendors to display their goods on the sidewalks along Boulevard Lumumba. And the recalcitrant will face the rigor of the special unit for the protection of the environment and will be sanctioned.

This operation will continue in the 24 communes of Kinshasa, indicates the urban authority. But, for street vendors, this is not the first time that such measures have been taken in the capital. In the circles of vendors in Kinshasa, there is talk of the long closure of the Central Market and the Marché de La Liberté, a situation that forces many of them to display their items along the avenues.
