It could be a historic moment for Swedish film when the 95th Oscars, which is hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, is decided in Hollywood on Monday night. At 01.00 the Oscars are broadcast on TV4. Which also broadcasts from the red carpet and a pre-gala from 21.30 in TV4 Play. Pär Lernström is the presenter, with Parisa Amiri as reporter on location in Hollywood. Swedish chance for a statuette Ruben Östlund’s film “Triangle of sadness” is nominated in the categories best screenplay, direction and film. In addition, Ludwig Göransson is nominated for song of the year as one of four songwriters for “Lift me up” that Rihanna sings in the movie “Black Panther: Wakanda forever”. – It’s a very difficult year and Ruben Östlund’s film goes up against well-known giants – if it weren’t for, among other things, the film that took everyone by storm, “Everything everywhere all at once”, his chances would have looked reasonably brighter. – But we are hugely hopeful and anything can happen, says Parisa. The biggest talking point from last year was when Will Smith went on stage and punched Chris Rock in the face. Something that the organizers want to avoid at all costs and have therefore set up a crisis staff to be able to handle scandals. Parisa Amiri thinks there will be a lot of jokes about it in Jimmy Kimmel’s opening monologue to get it out of the way. – I really hope that everyone is terrified of doing something wrong, because this has really haunted Will Smith. Watch Parisa Amiri on the Oscars in the player above.
Before this year’s Oscars: "Hugely expectant"